YOGYAKARTA - Planting melon is currently an activity that is loved by many young people and plant penghubists. The reason is that the arena is economical and can be fun. But did you know the location of the land that is suitable for planting melon?

Melon (Cucusum melo) is included in the cucumber-thin ethnicity. There is still one relative with watermelons, blewah and cucumber suri. Like other tribes, melon grows and can't climb. If not supported, this plant will expand to the surface of the ground.

The ideal place for melon cultivation is located at an altitude range of 250-700 m dpl. If the height is less than 250 m, the melon plant tends to produce small fruit. On the other hand, in the highlands below 18oC, this plant is difficult to grow.

The melon plant wants a humidity level of 50-70%. The average temperature suitable for melon cultivation ranges from 25-30oC with rainfall of 1500-2500 mm/year. The quality of melons will be better if there is a significant difference in day and night temperatures.

Land Preparation and Plantation

Land for melon cultivation should be hijacked first to smooth the chunks of soil. After that, the shape of the bed with a width of 100-120 centimeters, a height of 30-50 centimeters, a length of 10-15 m and a distance between 50-60 centimeters.

After that, give basic fertilizers in the form of compost or fertilizer as much as 15-20 tons / hectares. Also add ZA, KCl and SP-36 each 375 kilograms, 375 kilograms and 250 kilograms for each hectare. Mix the fertilizers on bed with and stir thoroughly with the soil with it. Allow the land for 2-4 days.

If the pH of soil that will be used for melon cultivation is less than 5, give dolomite or agricultural lime as much as 2 tons per hectare. Combine it with soil with at least 2-3 days before the basic fertilization.

Next, cover the bed with silver black mulsa plastic. Black color faces the ground and silver color to the outside. Create a planting hole on top of the mulsa. In each row there are 2 rows of planting holes with a distance of 60 centimeters and a distance between holes in one row 50-60 centimeters. Closure of the minimum mulch must be done 2 days before planting.

The next step is to plant the seeds that have been prepared. One seed for each planting hole. After that, flush so that it doesn't wither because of drought. Planting should be done in the afternoon when the sun is not so hot.

Tanam Melon Hydroponic Location

The melon plant needs at least 6 hours of sunlight in one day. The perfect pH of the hydroponic melon planting medium is between 6.0' 7.0 with a nutrient density of up to 2000 ppm.

But when planting hydroponic melons in the yard of a house that sometimes has difficulty finding a suitable position, sorting out places that find sunlight for at least 6 hours in the morning.

Avoid placing hydroponic melon plants in a position blocked by walls, large plants and people's houses next door.

The melon plant will not grow and produce well without sunlight.

Melon Fruit Type

Types of melons are very diverse. But only 3 kultivars are known to be cultivated, namely political status, Islands and cantalupensis.

Reticalatus. This type of melon is the most famous kultivar. Its shape is round with green fruit skin and its texture is patterned, a kind of netted. Fruit meat with a light green to orange pattern.

Inodorus. This type has soft fruit skin that is not patterned. Its shape is round to lonjong. The color of the fruit skin is yellow to yellow pale greenish. The color of the meat is green, orange to white. Fruit meat does not smell.

Cantalupensis. This type has clumpy fruit skins such as labs, or so-called winding. Yellow or orange fruit meat, the aroma is very strong. Blewah is included in this type.

If you like to plant, it is recommended to read the 'How to Plant Hydroponic Plants'.

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