YOGYAKARTA - Various dishes made from goat meat are very easy to find after the Eid al-Adha celebration. Think about inviting the children to eat it?

For children, nutritional needs are definitely different. However, usually there is no prohibition on consuming goat meat along the portion and the presentation method is also adjusted.

"In fact, consuming goat meat can be given starting from a 7-month-old baby in the form of pure meat during the MPASI phase," said Dr. Aisya Fikritama, SpA to HaiBunda.

For doctor Aisya, pure meat has iron and other important nutrients that are good for children's growth and development. These include protein and various types of vitamins.

Its properties vary. Among other things, helping the production of red blood cells, protecting the function of nerves, to protecting the body's immune system.

"Make sure when giving meat at this age, the meat chosen is a little fat, a kind of upper thigh or goat shoulder," he ordered.

Regarding the portion, doctor Aisya said there were no standard provisions. But what is certain is that the need for nutrition in red meat in each person is different and should not be excessive.

"It is recommended not too much, because it produces the thermonomic effect. So to consume it, it requires more energy and he will produce that heat," explained doctor Aisya.

Dangers Of Goat Meat

Launching The American Heart Association recommends adults consume no more than 0.5 kilograms of meat per week. This includes consuming goat meat, cows, pigs, and sheep.

For that, you need to know the information adrift of eating excessive goat meat for health.

Here are some of the dangers and impacts of consuming large amounts of goat meat.

I. Weight Improvement

Consumption of goat meat is high calorie food intake, so eating too much can cause weight gain.

This is mainly a concern for people who are overweight or overweight.

II. High Blood Pressure

The high content of saturated fat in goat meat can increase your blood pressure. This is an aspect of the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health problems.

III. Kidney problems

The high level of protein in goat meat can burden your kidneys. This is mainly a concern for people who already have kidney problems.

If you are afraid about the health risk of eating goat meat, talk to the doctor. Doctors can help determine how much goat meat is comfortable for you to eat.

IV. Increased Risk Of Heart Disease

Goat meat is high fat meat, and eating too much can increase LDL cholesterol levels (bad).

Due to eating excessive goat meat, it can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems.

Of course, this does not have a direct impact and can peak in old age.

V. Increased Cancer Risk

Some research has linked high intake of red meat, including goat meat, to an increased risk of certain types of cancer, a kind of colon cancer and prostate cancer.

Make sure you can consume goat meat in good condition at the right level of maturity.

Tips are safe for consuming goat meat

Here are some tips to reduce the risk of eating goat meat:

Also read: 'Consumption Of Goat Meat Causes High Blood Pressure, Really?'

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