YOGYAKARTA Overcoming children who have difficulty learning requires the right patience, commitment, and approach. In addition, parents and teachers need to identify factors that cause children to have difficulty learning.
In this article, tips or how to deal with children's difficulties in learning will be discussed. With the right strategy and approach, parents and teachers can help their children improve their academic achievements.
Summarized from various sources, Saturday, June 22, 2024, the following are some tips on overcoming children who have difficulty learning that can be practiced by parents and teachers.
1. Identify the cause of the child having difficulty studying
The first thing parents and teachers have to do to overcome children who have difficulty learning is identify the cause.
The difficulty of learning is closely related to social interaction in the teaching and learning process. Some factors that can cause children to have difficulties and are lazy to learn, namely:
By identifying the causes of children's learning difficulties, parents and teachers can draw a more directed approach and apply it slowly.
2. Apply individual-based teaching methods
The second tip is to apply teaching methods and subject matter in accordance with the style of children's learning or students.
Some students may be able to absorb better lessons using visual methods. Some may prefer to learn with an auditive or kinestic.
Adjusting the approach can help children feel more comfortable and engage in the learning process.
3. Provide additional support
Parents and teachers can also provide additional support to their children in order to improve their academic achievements.
The additional support provided can be in the form of tutoring, additional classes, or extra learning materials. This method is quite effective to help children overcome learning difficulties.
4. Create a supportive learning environment
Creating a conducive learning environment can also help children overcome learning difficulties.
Parents need to make sure their children have a calm and distraction-free learning room. In addition, give positive praise and encouragement for every achievement they achieve, no matter how small.
5. Use various educational resources
Tips for overcoming children's learning difficulties the next is utilizing additional educational resources. The resources in question can be in the form of computer learning programs, online materials, or educational games.
The point is, take advantage of the media that can help improve children's coaching and skills interactively. This resource can provide information in a more attractive way and can stimulate students' interests.
This is information about tips on dealing with children having difficulty learning. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.
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