JAKARTA - Michelle Ziudith shared her experience when she played in the film Ipar is Death as Nissa. Where he said that in one of the scenes at the top of his emotions he suffered a wound to his leg to bleeding.

"Oh, if I don't spoil my legs, I'll really hurt the term. It's really hurt and bleeding without spoilers, if you're emotionally to other players, it's really very emotional, we really don't talk," said Michelle Ziudith in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Monday, June 10.

Not only that, Michelle also said that when shooting the important moment was taken after she was infused and carried out at dawn.

"And anyway I shot it after it was diffused. I was sick but we took it at what time until 3 am," he explained.

As a result, Michelle finally fainted and did not continue filming for the next scene. But the emotions that come out really come from despair in him.

"So, yes, it's really as strong as you can, it keeps going until the house blackout, so it's like when you just woke up, you can't continue filming like that, I never felt like it. But it was true that what came out when I took it because it was true like I hate it, I was angry," said Michelle Ziudith.

Michelle said that she did all the emotional scenes in just one shooting without any repetition.

"It's not repeated. It's not repeated. (One take ok) thank God," he said.

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