YOGYAKARTA Timlo is one of the typical culinary icons of Solo, Central Java. This dish is not only pleasant but contains historical values that we need to know. The origins of timlo are said to be inspired by kimlo, a dish from China that looks like soup.

As one of the traditional foods, timlo has a special place in the hearts of the people of Solo and is often used as a breakfast menu or lunch.

If you are preparing to go to Solo, it will be incomplete if you have not enjoyed the timlo.

Adapting the page of Indonesia.go.id, a historian at the University of Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta, Heri Priyatmoko said, timlo is a dish inspired by kimlo soup.

Initially, Timlo Solo came from a tradition of eating in the Chinese ethnic group, called the kimlo soup.

Gradually, kimlo became a popular dish in Javanese people with the name Timlo. This food is widely known in Central Java and East Java.

According to Heru, changing the name of kimlo to timlo is an example of a phonetic correspondence, namely a change in sound that occurs due to differences in pronunciation by different dialects.

The Chinese ethnic groups and their dialects mentioned kimlo, but the Javanese people heard the dialect as timlo.

Based on information compiled by VOI, during the Dutch occupation, timlo was sold by Chinese traders. They peddled timlo using pikulan and toured around Surakarta.

During the New Order era, timlo had time to compete closely with new foods from outside that flooded the country. However, timlo still survives, even getting a special place in the hearts of the people of Solo. This culinary can be easily found around Pasar Gede and in various corners of Solo.

Timlo Solo is a soup-like dish that contains chicken ati ampela slices, solo sausage slices, rollsop slices, bihun, pindang eggs, and suwir fried chicken.

The characteristic kuah timlo tends to be clear, dilute, and fresh. Timlo can be eaten with separated rice or mixed as well as eating soto.

The characteristic feature of Timlo Solo is its thick sauce because it is made from chicken broth juice, shallots, garlic, pepper, salt, and a little white sugar.

For those of you who want to make this dish for your family, here are Timlo Solo's recipes that you can imitate.

Materials to make timlo:

Ingredients for making solo sausages:

Ingredients for making a solo sausage skin:

Soy sauce spice egg ingredients:

Complementary materials:

How to make Timlo Solo:

That's information about the origins of timlo. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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