YOGYAKARTA Sexual interests or known as sexual tension are phenomena that occur suddenly. Moments when in an familiar situation or environment, sexual arousal increases when meeting someone. Sexual attraction occurs when someone wants a lover but does not act based on this desire.

Sexual tensions are divided into two. Namely positive sexual tensions, which are felt when sparks arise and desire for others. Sexual tension is negative, when a person feels angry, sad, or anxious and thinks about sexual relations with his partner. According to psychologist Dr. Rachel Needle, positive sexual tensions involve anticipation, excitement, motivation, sparks, and risks. Although there is no clinical definition, it is clear that Needle is reported by Brides, Tuesday, June 4, there are physiological signs that occur when sexual tension arises, among others.

Eye contact can make you feel joy, not fear and sadness. When you fall in love with each other so you can't stop staring into each other's eyes and you don't feel the need to look away, that's when you know there's chemistry there. This body language, is a sign of growing sexual tension.

"The tongue feels absent as if you can't understand what you want to say," said Shear Sims Allen's relationship expert, Ph.D. If you usually talk smoothly, suddenly you don't have the confidence to string up the basic sentences. Words that are usually spoken easily, when you feel sexual tension, as if you don't want to come out of your mouth.

Tempting touch on the knee, touching your hands on your hands, or touching your hands gently on your back. This may not be an arm that circles your shoulders or holds your hands openly. But for a moment, you imagine what happens if your contacts last longer than that.

Some signs of sexual tension that people usually don't think of, including sweaty palms and being closer to the person in the group or the reason you need to contact them more often, "said Needle.

It will be easier to feel energy when you are alone with your partner. But when you are in a crowded room, especially when doing activities, and you feel an interest in someone, that's when you realize it.

"Increasing sexual activity through communication, seduction, or exchange of views, can create sexual tensions," says Needle.

When you feel sexual tension, it feels like you are being abused by force outside of yourself. You feel compelled to meet and connect with this person. Automatically, you will turn around, calmly, and under control.

Sexual tension can change a person's voice tone. How to talk between someone who makes someone interested and with other people, such as family or friends, will be different. It's something no one can hide.

Doubt ending the date alone means not wanting to leave. It could be in the form of longer hugs, soft touch, or a moment to stop at the door. This is a sign of sexual attraction or tension.

Those are the seven signs of body language feeling sexual stigma. Of course, to make sure your partner feels the same way, according to Allen, identify with intuition. Because maybe not many words can be spoken honestly when your partner feels the same tension. Simply put, if the couple both feel nervousness, a moment of silence, but give a positive response, it's time to take the agreed actions together.

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