YOGYAKARTA Understand and learn what is an explanatory text useful for carrying out the process of identifying information that is presented in writing. The reason is, in the explicitation text contains a causality relationship of an event, from cause to consequence.

This article will discuss explanatory text, from the definition, characteristics, structures, to examples in written information.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the explanation is interpreted as a text which explains the process or phenomenon with a series of sequences in causal relations. The text also presents facts.

In a book entitled Independent Indonesian language written by E. Kosasih, it is explained that explanatory text is text that explains or explains a process or phenomenon, both related to nature and social.

Simply put, explanatory text is a text that contains an explanation of the event process, in particular how and why it happened.

The function of the extension text itself is to explain a phenomenon or event, especially those related to causality.

Explancated text can be known easily because this text has quite specific characteristics that can be seen from the language and the choice of the word. Here are the characteristics.

Denotative means it has a true meaning contained in the dictionary, in this case it is KBBI.

The passive sentence is a sentence that positions the subject as an object that is subject to work. For example, consumed, beaten, and so on.

The conjunction of causality is a connecting word or a connection in a sentence that explains causality. An example of causality conjunction is therefore, because of that, so, and so on.

Because the explanatory text contains real information, it usually uses scientific words such as tsunamis, atmospheres, masa psychology, and so on.

The text will also explain a phenomenon in general. For example, explaining the occurrence of landslides in general.

Reporting from the Indonesian language e-Module published by the Directorate of High School Development - Ministry of Education and Culture, the structure of the explicit text is divided into three charts, namely as follows.

Contains a statement that is general in nature related to topics. Here the text will explain a process such as its occurrence, its formation, its existence, its creation, and so on. The general statement in this text is concise, clear, and interesting in order to be able to attract readers to continue to read the details of the information.

In addition, there is also information about events that are explained, especially answers to what, why, and how.

The text contains the explanation of the process of why an event can occur. This explanation is explained in several paragraphs. In this paragraph, it will also explain the causes of a phenomenon. The question of how it will be explained in chronological and gradual terms.

At the end there will be a conclusion or essence to the topic described. Usually, the explanatory text also contains suggestions or authors' response to the phenomenon described in the text.

The following is an example of an explanatory text containing an explanation of the causes of rain. Check out the following paragraph.

Rain is a natural phenomenon that often occurs. The process of forming rain is starting with evaporation of water caused by the heat of the sun. The water vapor on the Earth's surface will rise and then there will be vapor congestion until it becomes dew.

That's information related to what explicit text is. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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