YOGYAKARTA Safe boundaries for consumption of limes need to be considered so as not to have a negative impact on the health of the body.

As is known, lime is a fruit that has many health benefits such as improving the body's immune system, preventing cocoa disease, diabetes, animea, and maintaining heart health.

However, behind these benefits, consumption of lime should not be excessive. If the intake is too much, it is likely to cause stomach acid disease and increase the risk of cavities.

So, what is the safe limit for consuming lime? Check out the full information below.

Currently, there is no research that mentions the maximum limit for consumption of lime in a day.

Even so, consumption of lime should not be excessive because it can increase the risk of magh disease, stomach cramps, diarrhea, heartburn, and reflux gastroesofagus (Gastroesophageal Reflect Disease/GERD).

For someone whose stomach is prone to acid, the recommended intake of lime is 1 fruit per day. Rice lime and then mix with 1 glass of water to keep your body fit throughout the day.

Meanwhile, for someone whose stomach is more resistant to acid, the recommended intake of lime is no more than 3 pieces per day. You can process lime into healthy drink and eat it in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in a nipis orange with a diameter of about 5 centimeters contains 22 milligrams of calcium, 12 milligrams of phosphorus, 68 milligrams of potassium, and 19.5 mg of vitamin C (20-25 percent of daily vitamin C needs), quoted from Medical News Today.

The following are the potential side effects of lime lime if consumed excessively:

1. One-sided headache or migraine

Inside the lime there is a sinefrine compound that can affect the delivery of nerve impulses to the blood vessels. This is what causes the appearance of symptoms of next-side headaches (migraine) if consuming too much lime.


Some people may experience a reflux of gastroesofagus (GERD) after consuming lime because there is an increase in acid levels in the stomach.

The reflux of gastroesofagus or GERD is a condition in which the lower muscles of the concavity (low esophagus sfingter) which is a pint uke of the stomach become sagging or weak.

Under normal conditions, the lower esophagus sfingter can be closed again after food passes. However, when there is a problem, the performance of this valve can be disrupted, so it is not perfectly closed.

The sfingter muscles of the loose bottom esophagus can make stomach production acid rise back to the concavity. If this happens, the sufferer may experience heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing.

3. Increase the risk of cavities

Nipical oranges can have a bad impact on the health of teeth and mouth if they are consumed excessively.

Adapting the WebMD, too much intake of lime can go through the enamel, the outer hard layer of human teeth.

When the enamel fades and bends, gradually the teeth will only be coated with dentin, the tissue beneath which contains small holes connected to the teeth' nerves. As a result, the hot or cold temperature of food and drinks will come into direct contact with dentin.

These conditions can cause cavities and increase the sensitivity of teeth that trigger pain, pain, or discomfort in the teeth.

That's information about the safe limit for consumption of lime. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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