YOGYAKARTA Although sometimes considered to interfere with beauty, facial skin slack after a diet is a natural thing. The skin basically has an elastic nature, but when the body mass shrinks due to a diet there will be slackness in the facial skin. As a result, the face will look a little moisturizing in some parts such as the cheeks.

No need to worry when the skin loosens after a diet because the condition can be overcome. This article will provide a solution to tighten the skin slack after a diet.

Reporting from AI Care, basically the skin can be strong again following the body shape, it's just that it takes time. This means that the distancing of facial skin cannot be done instantly.

To help accelerate the reduction of post-diet facial skin, it can be done by doing the following.

One way to tighten the skin on the face that is loose because it loses weight is by exercising facial exercise. Face exercises not only help burn fat that is buried in several parts of the face but also tighten the skin in the area.

The gymnastics movement to tighten facial skin is the most often done, namely by pinning the cheeks with air. Do the right cheek first for 10 seconds and then divert the air to another cheek with the same duration.

In addition, it can be done by holding back the smile while closing the lower teeth for 10 seconds.

Yoga is also highly advised to tighten the face while making the face more relaxed. Do yoga regularly to get maximum results.

Sufficient body fluids need is the key to the skin to remain elastic. You can drink water as recommended so that the skin remains elastic and humid.

It is recommended to eat unfat protein so that the new muscles wake up quickly. Avoid foods that contain high fats such as fried foods or jeroans.

Another way that is recommended to be done regularly is to apply collagen cream regularly in the targeted part. If necessary, eat foods that contain collagen such as egg white or sea fish.

Pay attention to the intake of salt in food. The reason is, consuming excess salt can trigger water retention and body dehydration. When that happens, the skin will easily slack off and even trigger wrinkles to premature aging.

If possible, you can do medical treatment to tighten the skin at a faster time. You can consult a beauty specialist to get the best advice by considering your health condition and skin type.

That's information related to slack facial skin after a diet. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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