JAKARTA - Celebrity Ayushita recounted one of the unpleasant events in her life where she was once a victim of violence while still in junior high school.

He said that at first he never told anyone about this, including the mother who made him enter the vicious circle.

"I haven't spoken for a while until something shows are trapped in that relationship. That means if my mother's language is a vicious circle," said Ayushita, quoted by VOI from YouTube TransTV Official, Monday, June 3.

Seeing this, Ayushita's mother, who is a consultant at a female NGO, finally tried to give her daughter two choices.

At that time this 34-year-old woman was asked to choose to take this incident to court or forgive her.

"'Mama has spoken to this child, it's up to you to choose which way to go to the law or where, but mom doesn't allow the slightest of him to meet you, but you have these two choices', 'that's my right, right?'," continued Ayushita.

But from both choices, this non-ordinary Bintang (BBB) group member prefers to forgive the person and think about his fate when he goes to prison. This made Ayushita's mother feel touched and grateful to her daughter for being heartened.

"I said 'but Mah, if I get to the legal route, enter the prison, what will his life be?' And my mother said this, he thought for a while, he continued to pause, 'thank you, you have a very big heart'," said Ayushita.

As a result of the short sentence from her mother, now the actor of the film Anugerah Terindah wants to continue to change himself into a person who is always heartened.

"After that, it's okay because my mother is always there. It's like, 'oh yes,' I was encouraged because of that simple sentence.' Your heart is very big'. So I actually want to learn to have a big heart," he said.

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