YOGYAKARTA - Muslim parents certainly want their children to have good personalities, including in following the demands of Islam. One of the teachings that can be given to children since childhood is to carry out Friday prayers.

Teaching children to pray Friday is an important responsibility for Muslim parents. Friday prayers are obligatory prayers that are held once a week. This service has a special position in Islam.

However, there are still many parents who have difficulty teaching their children to pray Friday. This condition is actually a natural thing because children are still not easy to direct. There are some tips for teaching children Friday prayers that you can apply.

Educating children to follow or learn to perform Friday prayers is not easy. The steps parents can take in teaching their little ones Friday prayers is to set an example first. After that, just introduce and educate children to pray Friday in stages.

Here are tips for teaching children Friday prayers that you can practice as Muslim parents:

Children tend to imitate their parents' behavior, so it's important for parents to show the habit of performing Friday prayers. When children see their father regularly going to the mosque for Friday prayers, they will be more motivated to follow in the footsteps.

Parents need to explain to their children the importance of Friday prayers in Islam. Explain that Friday prayers are an obligation for Muslim men and are the time to gather, listen to sermons, and pray together. Emphasize that the Prophet SAW advocated Friday prayers and considered it a very important practice.

Before children can attend Friday prayers, they must understand the procedures and pillars of the prayers. Teach them about their intentions, the right way of performing their prayers, and proper prayer procedures. Involve them in discussions and exercises so that they feel comfortable and confident when performing Friday prayers.

Create a positive and fun atmosphere when taking the children to the mosque. After Friday prayers, invite them to have lunch together or do the activities they like. In this way, they will have a positive association with Friday prayers and are more excited to follow them every week.

Giving small awards to children who are diligent in performing Friday prayers can be an additional motivation. This award does not have to be in the form of goods or gifts, but can also be in the form of praise and words that encourage their enthusiasm.

Children are more motivated to participate in activities if they do it with their peers. Invite them to go to the mosque with their friends. This social interaction will make them feel more comfortable and enjoy their time at the mosque.

Teaching children to pray Friday requires consistency and patience. Parents must be patient and not force their children excessively. Explain slowly and consistently about the importance of Friday prayers. Continue to encourage them without putting too much pressure on them.

Stories about the Prophet Muhammad and friends who are diligent in praying Friday can be an inspiration for children. Convey these stories in an interesting way so that children can understand the moral messages and values contained in them.

Those are some tips for teaching children Friday prayers that you can follow. Educating children to perform Friday prayers is not easy and requires patience. Also read tips for inviting your little one to tarawih prayers.

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