YOGYAKARTA - In order to obtain a strong and healthy body we need balanced nutrition. So, what do you think is balanced nutrition? Let's discuss it here!

The reason is, balanced nutrition is the daily food arrangement that contains nutrients in the type and amount that suit the needs, by taking into account the principles of food diversity, physical activities, clean living behavior and maintaining ideal weight regularly.

Balanced nutrition is if food intake is sufficient in quantity, quality and contains various kinds of nutrients needed by the body. The goal is that the health of the body can be maintained, perfect growth in children, stored nutrients, and daily activities and functions run optimally.

Getting To Know Ten Balanced Nutrition Messages

According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, there are 10 balanced nutritional guidelines that we need to understand, namely:

I. Get Used to breakfast

Health experts say that morning absorption is the most important meal time in one day. Moreover, eating breakfast with a healthy menu has proven useful for adding energy, making an ideal body, increasing concentration and preventing disease.

II. Get Used to Drinking Sufficient and Safe Water

Usually, we are recommended to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. This will help the function of the kidneys and change the missing body fluids and protect the body from continuing to act properly.

III. Eat lots of Fruit and Vegetables

Vegetables and fruit are 2 things that cannot be separated. Both have vitamins and minerals, and fiber that the body needs every day and functions to avoid various diseases. We are advised to consume 2 servings of vegetables and 2-3 servings of fruit every day.

IV. Get Used to Consume Various Kinds of Basic Foods

We need various types of food to get all the nutrients needed by the agency, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, meat, fish and others.

V. Limit Consumption Of Sweet, Salty And Faty Foods

This variety of intake can increase the risk of certain diseases if eaten excessively. Therefore, the Indonesian Ministry of Health recommends consuming no more than 4 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt, and 5 tablespoons of oil per day.

VI. Wash Your Hands With Soap With Water

Washing hands in an orderly manner, especially before eating, is one of the efforts to avoid the entry of microorganisms into the body that can cause disease. Washing hands with soap and running water is the best method to stop the spread of germs that trigger inflammation.

VII. Get Used to Reading Labels on Food Packaging

It is important for us to know the composition, nutrients, labels, certification and expiration of a product that is to be eaten. This will make it easier for us to choose healthy, safe and balanced nutritious intake.

VIII. Be Grateful And Enjoy The Various Food Various

Enjoy every food that enters the mouth wholeheartedly. By enjoying every food benefit, we participate in realizing the best way of eating, which is to eat slowly and not in a hurry. We must be grateful because we live in a country rich in food sources.

IX. Do Sufficient Physical Activities And Maintain Ideal Weight

Do light physical activities for 5-10 minutes and moderate activities for 30 minutes every day. With sufficient physical activity, our weight will also be more maintained by ideal. With this, we are also free from the risk of obesity and various other diseases.

X. Get Used To Consuming Side dishes That Have High Protein

Although it is recommended to consume high-protein side dishes, we must also sort those that are included in the low-fat type. Protein is divided into 2, namely animal ( broth) and vegetable (source). Among the two, animal protein originating from fatless meat and fish is the best.

The balanced Nutrition Principle consists of 4 (four) Pillars:

In order to maintain a balanced diet, Here's How to Implement a Healthy Diet Eating Pattern.

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