JAKARTA - Celebrity Dian Sastrowardoyo congratulated his father who embraced Buddhism. This was revealed by Dian Sastro through uploads on his personal Instagram recently.

In addition to giving greetings on Vesak Day, Dian also recalled a valuable lesson that his father had taught him where Dian Sastro had been taught since childhood about a Nichiren philosophy that talked about doing good to yourself and others.

Dian admitted that at first he did not understand the meaning of the philosophy taught by his father. However, Dian saw that his father believed in Dian that one day he would do his teachings.

"He walked around the house in outdated Japanese sarongs andmen. The big man taught me about the philosophy of Nichiren (Nam Myoho Renge Kyo) and about Shodai's singing since I was a child. I didn't really understand it at that time," Dian Sastro wrote as quoted by VOI from his personal Instagram, Monday, May 27.

"But somehow he really believed that I would do it, so he kept teaching me all the huge abstract things in life," he added.

It didn't stop there, Dian's father also taught him about the life of the universe when he was five years old because he felt that Dian would be a special figure.

Even though Dian felt that he was not a special person, but he suspected that this was done by his father because he knew he did not have much time to teach him to adulthood.

"I learned about the Black Hole, the Galaxy, and the universe from it when I was only 5 years old. Maybe he really believes I'm a special kid. I think I'm not special at all. Maybe he knows that he won't have much time to talk about it."

Finally, when he grew up, Dian Sastro said that he only understood all the teachings his father had given him when he was a child through the film Interstellar.

Where while watching the film he had a different point of view about the universe.

"A few years ago, I watched the film Interstellar. And the view of Black Hole really impressed me in a different way. I love you, sir. Now I understand," he said.

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