JAKARTA - Based on scientific studies, smelling a couple's body scent has a positive effect. The first is to be able to reduce stress levels and feel happier.
The smell of men's sweat that comes out after activities has natural chemical properties. These natural chemicals are released by the aprocrin glands. When exercising or physical activity, men will release pheromones.
When men release the scent of pheromones, the effect can make female hormones more balanced. Even at some point a man's scent that releases pheromones can increase female hormones and trigger the ovulation cycle.
Pheromone levels in the body are fully responsible for body odor. These levels are in the form of compounds that are released by the body as sexual attraction.
A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that smelling a partner's body scent can reduce stress levels.
The study involved 96 women who were asked to smell three kinds of t-shirts. T-shirts that smell like the scent of their partner's body, the scent of another man's body, and the t-shirt that hasn't been worn.
After undergoing a stress level test, women who smelled their partner's body scent experienced a greater reduction in stress levels than women who smelled another man's scented t-shirt or unused t-shirts.
Still in the same study, emotional attachment makes a person feel good. Especially emotional bond with a partner. The distinctive smell of a partner's body triggers a psychological closeness so that women feel comfortable and happier.
![manfaat mencium bau badan pasangan](/storage/publishers/38379/body_image_2021031117-2.jpg)
In another psychological study conducted by the University of British Columbia (UBC), it was found that a partner's body scent made his wife sleep better.
The findings in this study suggest that, even though the partner is not physically present, their body scent can lead to good sleep quality.
Marlise Hofer who was involved in the study revealed that participants in the study experienced an average sleep efficiency increase of more than 2 percent. The effect was greater than that of participants who took melatonin supplements.
Frances Chen added that the physical presence of a partner is also related to a sense of security, calm and relaxation. Finally, you can get a regular life, sleep quality and be happier.
Do you often feel insecure, restless and depressed? If you smell your partner's body scent can solve the problem. If your partner often works out of town, you can trick them by storing your partner's jacket or clothes that absorb your partner's scent after the activity.
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