YOGYAKARTA Some of us may not feel comfortable wearing shoes when doing long flights. If you are one of them, you need to reconsider that habit. Because passengers are advised not to take off their footwear when sitting on the plane. So, why is it not recommended to take off their shoes on the plane? What is the reason? The answer to this question can be seen in the following review.

Summarized from various sources, Thursday, May 23, 2024, the following are some of the reasons why a person is not recommended to take off his shoes while in the airplane cabin.

1. Sanitation reasons

The first reason relates to the cleanliness of the aircraft cabin. Although the air on board is screened and circulated, other surfaces do not always receive the same treatment.

The cabin was cleaned before the flight, but it would be more carelessly done especially when it only had 15 or 20 minutes to complete it, said pilot Patrick Smith, driven from Travel + Leisure.

The plane's cabin, which looks like there is no garbage, could only be cleaned by throwing away the things left behind from the previous passengers, entering the garbage, and wiping the surface which is often touched quickly, such as the toilet door handle.

Each airline does have a clean schedule, but not often. The frequency varies depending on the policies of each airline. The problem is, complete availability is usually carried out faithfully every four to six weeks.

On the other hand, carpets in the aircraft cabin are usually only cleaned with vacuum cleaners, that too if time allows. When food and drinks spill, petugaas will only remove the stains, but do not disinfect the area.

2. Health reasons

What happens if There are footwear walks in a dirty cabin? You may be infected with bacteria and viruses that can have a negative impact on health.

Those without legs may bring bacteria and viruses that can have a negative impact on health. Likewise, concerns about getting a fungal infection are always there, said David Kraus, owner of the SyQuest USA, who produces cleaning products for airplanes.

Not only that, the fluid in the toilet lanta is also not necessarily cleaned by flight attendants. This means you can step on urine if you are not wearing footwear.

Untugnya, rutinitas pembersihan pesawat telah banyak berubah setelah dunia dihantam pandemi COVID-19.

More disinfectant is now used on the floor and the cleaning process is a little more detailed in an effort to ensure that no traces of the virus are left behind that has the potential to infect crews or passengers, Krause said.

However, the travel conditions have started to return to normal conditions, so it is not surprising that the aircraft cleaning protocol will return to old habits.

3. Ethical reasons

According to the Aircraft Eticket Violation Survey conducted by the Vacationer travel planning website, more than 224 percent of passengers think that other passengers taking off their shoes is annoying, according to AFAR Media.

Not a few people are disgusted by walking without footwear, especially in public spaces. Air travel is quite tiring, wearing shoes during flight is just one thing you can do to reduce the frustration of the people around you.

That's information about why it is not recommended to take off your shoes on the plane. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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