YOGYAKARTA The list of countries with low cost of education needs to be considered, especially for those of you who want to continue your education to the level of strata-1 (S1) abroad.

The education costs in question include tuition fees, living costs, transportation costs, study equipment costs, and health costs.

List Of Countries With Cheap Education Costs

Summarized from various sources, Tuesday, May 21, 2024, the following is a list of countries with low education costs that you need to know about.

Quoted from Instagram the preparation for learning abroad, Kobi Education, Austria is a good country for international students who seek quality higher education.

The cost of education in this country is very affordable, which is around 727.72 euros or equivalent to Rp. 12 million per semester. In addition, there is still an additional cost of 20.20 euros or a skitar of Rp. 330 thousand for the membership fee of student unions and insurance.

According to the Times Higher Education page, Germany is one of the main goals for international students who seek higher quality education without having to pay tuition fees.

All higher education institutions in Germany provide free tuition fees for undergraduate studies. While postgraduate programs can be accessed at very affordable costs.

Jermah is also home to many high-ranking universities, with 22 German universities included in The World University Rankings (WUR) 2023.

In addition to offering free education, the cost of living in Jeman is also quite affordable. In this country, the rental price for one-room apartments is only around Rp. 12 million per month.

To meet the cost of living in Germany, you can work part-time or take part in a scholarship program.

Finland is the country with the best education system in the world. In this country, learning activities are centered on students, so that each individual can develop the potential that exists within him.

In addition to having a good education system, the Finnish government also frees the cost of a bachelor's degree in introductory Finnish or Swedish.

For English lecture programs, the tuition fee varies from 60 million per year. This cost is still cheaper than other countries.

Turkey is one of the best countries for international students. In this country, you can access strata-1 level education at an affordable cost.

According to the website, in Turkey you only need to spend around IDR 675 thousand per month for tuition fees.

In addition, the rental price of one-room apartments in this country is also very affordable, which is around Rp. 5.5 million per month.

Thailand is also included in the state list at low cost of education. According to the Masters Portal page, the average tuition fee for undergraduate programs at the Thai State University (PTN) is around 1,819 to 1938 US dollars per semester or around Rp29 million to 30.9 million per semester.

For the rental price for one-room apartments, the average is around Rp. 4.9 million per room.

That's information about the list of countries at low cost of education. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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