YOGYAKARTA - Garbage is mostly produced from daily household activities, such as food residue, equipment, and so on. Each family is required to be able to manage and choose waste so as not to cause environmental problems.

Keeping the environment clean from waste pollution must start from within the home. It's sad that not a few households are not aware of the importance of managing waste properly. Excessive and unmanaged waste production will cause dirty environments, unpleasant odors, and disease nests.

So that household waste does not interfere with comfort and health, each family must manage waste independently. It's not just about throwing garbage, but making selections based on their types. There are some tips for sorting out household waste that you need to know.

Before studying tips on choosing waste, you need to know there are several categories of waste. Household waste can be divided into three categories, namely organic, inorganic, and residual. How to sort waste from home can be started by providing a different trash can for each category.

The trash can at home can be made in three types that are distinguished by color, namely green for organic, black waste for residue, and blue for inorganic. With a trash can like this, it is easier for you to build the habit of throwing garbage according to your type.

Here are some tips for choosing household waste that you can apply so as not to pollute the environment:

The first step in waste management is to separate it in the trash. You can divide the waste type into three categories as previously mentioned, namely organic, inorganic, and residual.

Prepare two trash cans at home and be given a different color or label to make it easier to dispose of the trash. This method will help you in separating household waste produced every day.

The zero waste concept is a good step to increase awareness of protecting the environment. This method can be realized using items that can still be used repeatedly. For example, replacing plastic with cloth shopping bags, using a supply box as a substitute for styrofoam, and using drinking bottles to reduce the use of bottled drinking water.

The zero waste action can be started in a simple way such as reducing the use of plastic by switching to wearable items repeatedly. While it may be a bit of a hassle, this change could have a significant positive impact on the earth and the environment.

Keeping the trash cans clean in the house is very important. Therefore, you need to regularly dispose of waste every day and make sure the trash can is always clean to avoid unpleasant odors in the room. You can also coat the trash with environmentally friendly plastic so that the cleanliness is always maintained.

In waste management, there is a 3R concept (reuse, reduce, recycle) that you can apply. To reduce waste and avoid environmental pollution, you can recycle waste at home. Some recyclable household waste such as paper, bottles, glass, and cardboard with a recycling logo.

You can also process organic waste into reusable materials. Instead of letting the kitchen waste rot and causing an unpleasant odor due to evaporating bacteria, it is better for you to recycle it into compost for plants.

Those are some tips for sorting household waste so as not to pollute the environment. Every home owner or family must have the awareness to manage waste independently. This step is an effort to reduce pollution and maintain environmental cleanliness. Also read how to reduce plastic waste at home.

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