JAKARTA - Celebrity Natasha Rizky has uploaded a chat video with her daughter again. After previously being with her eldest daughter, Megumi, now it's the turn of her second daughter, Miskha, who was asked by Natasha Rizky.
In the content, Chacha, Natasha Rizky's nickname, asked about her daughter's feelings at school. Unexpectedly, Miskha admitted that she likes to feel sad because she hopes to get Umrah from her family.
"What do you want to know, sis Miskha, how does she feel at school?" asked Natasha Rizky, quoted by VOI from Youtube Trio Strong Family, Wednesday, May 15.
"Sometimes I like to be sad. Because Miskha wants to Umrah with her family," replied Miskha.
Furthermore, Miskha said that she had experienced traveling abroad with her family, but had never tasted the streets while worshiping.
"Because, you want to do that, you know. You like traveling. We like going abroad, right. But, if Umrah is like that with faith, it will be better for God," explained Miskha.
Miskha herself said that she really wanted to see the Kaaba and then performed tawaf and had a lot of worship while in front of the Kaaba.
"Miskha wants to pray, want to read Iqro, muterin Kabah," he said.
Finally, Miskha also wanted to pray for her father, Desta, to return to prayer and be able to reunite with Natasha Rizky.
"Miskha wants my father to pray again, mother and father to unite again, so that my family can go to heaven," concluded Miskha.
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