JAKARTA - The production house Falcon Pictures has re-released their latest film entitled Dilan 1983: Wo Ai Ni, played by Muhammad Adhiyat, who became Dilan's figure in the elementary school era.

In a press conference for the launch of their trailer and official poster, Adhiyat said that he really liked Dilan's character. Because he was too comfortable he was brought to the real world.

He said that he did not want to change his messy hairstyle like Dilan, unfortunately this was prohibited by his mother.

"For me, I'm really comfortable. In fact, after shooting this film, I told my mother every morning whether her hair was messy, so it was like Dilan," said Muhammad Adhiyat in Bandung, West Java, Monday, May 13.

"Then my mother said this, 'eh Adiyat, I'm not shooting Dilan', I was told to come back here again, even though I wanted his hair to be like Dilan's," explained Adhiyat.

Furthermore, Adhiyat was happy to have filmed Dilan for one month because of his similar character. This finally made him cry while filming Dilan had to end.

"During filming, I cried, yes, I was really comfortable with Dilan's character, because it was really good to shoot, the character was really like me, so I'm sad to finish this Dilan film," he said.

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