The Benefits Of Skipping For The Body Are Not Less Important Than Jogging
Illustration (Gabby K / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Skipping or jumping rope is one sport that is easy to do. Only with a long rope, this sport can be done anywhere, both indoors and outdoors.

Besides being easy, skipping also has many benefits, one of which is effective for burning fat in the body. Besides that, what else? The following VOI summarizes the five benefits of skipping for the body that you should know so that you are more convinced to try.

Tightens body muscles and bone strength

In fact, this exercise is able to increase all the tendons and ligaments in the muscles as a result of jumping, such as in the muscles of the legs and lower body. However, skipping is also able to tighten the arm and shoulder muscles because the hand that functions as the shaft uses a circular motion to move the skipping rope. In addition, the bones will be denser so that it can reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Burns up to 1,600 calories

Skipping is one of the sports chosen by those who want to lose weight. This is due to the beneficial tension in each muscle of the body while in the air when making a jump.

The recommended daily calorie intake for the average person is around 2,000 calories and for weight loss, you can do this exercise in one hour to burn 1,600 calories balanced by having a healthy diet.

Beneficial for heart health

This exercise is beneficial for heart health because it helps the circulation of blood to distribute oxygen and nutrients. The heart rate will increase and the muscles are trained to work harder to pump blood.

Increase stamina and focus

When using skipping, there must be a similarity between the timing of jumping and hitting the ground. This requires an excessive level of internal focus. Therefore, your brain will be trained to work faster which is also assisted by efforts to coordinate body balance properly.

Improve mental health

Not only is it physically beneficial, skipping can also improve mental health by releasing endorphins, which are hormones that can help relieve bad moods and trigger positive feelings. Therefore, you will feel more relieved after doing this activity.

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