JAKARTA - Celebrity Irish Bella admits that she has not visited her ex-husband, Ammar Zoni, after being transferred to the Salemba Rutan.

However, he admitted that he had visited Ammar when he was still undergoing rehabilitation some time ago.

"Never (visited). Not yet, at that time when he was rehabilitated he visited. But, when he was in the detention center, he didn't," said Irish Bella in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Friday, May 10.

The 28-year-old said that the reason she had not visited Ammar Zoni was because she felt the detention center was not a possible place for her children.

"Because I don't think the place is possible. Surely I want to bring the children to meet," said Irish Bella.

"When it comes to talking, communicating, all this time by phone. The need to meet is to bring together with the children," he added.

Furthermore, Irish Bella firmly said that she did not want to meet Ammar Zoni alone or alone.

Because he felt that the love story between him and Ammar Zoni had been completed after the Depok Religious Court judge filed for divorce some time ago.

"That's enough," said Irish Bella.

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