JAKARTA - Celebrities Luna Maya will return to play in the latest series of the production house Hitmakers Production by collaborating with WeTV entitled Main Api. In this series Luna will compete acting with Darius Sinathrya, Marcelino Lefrant to Audi Marissa.

In a press conference, Luna Maya said the reason she wanted to accept a series project that would have many intimate scenes. For Luna, this has become a new experience in her acting career.

"Yes, this must be something new for me personally, as a player, or an actor who wants to get a different role than usual and this is quite a challenging," said Luna Maya in the Kebon Sirih area, Mantang, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, May 8.

The reason is, according to this 40-year-old woman, the series that offers intense suspension also has a story that according to her is quite interesting and rarely exists in the Indonesian film industry.

The funny thing is, to play in the series that will demand him to do this hot scene, Luna admits that she did not ask permission from her boyfriend Maxime Bouttier. He only talks about the story of this series.

"Don't ask permission. If you ask permission, it's more about the story," he added.

He felt that his status with Maxime Bouttier, who was just a couple, was different from Darius Sinathrya and Audi Marissa, who were married.

"This is a statement, not a question, there is no 'is it okay or not?'," he concluded.

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