YOGYAKARTA - Eid al-Adha is coming soon and you know what? Yup, you guys have to know how to migrate goat meat to satay so that it's delicious to serve and eat. So, how about it? Check out the review below, here, yes!
Some people do not like goat meat because it smells of moisturizer. Meanwhile, with the right spices and maritime methods, herbivore animal meat can be a delicious processed satay.
Recipes and engineering for goat meat so that spices absorb perfectly, according to several trusted sources, can be tried with 2 steps. At first, small pieces of goat meat, then soak in the mineral spices for at least one hour.
Second, burn the salted meat and get stabbed by satay while applying additional spices.
Several Meat Marinaation Recipes
I. Special Goat Sate Marinaation Season
Engineering makes:
II. Madura Marinaation Sate Kambing Bumbu
Engineering makes:
III. Simple Cow Sate Marinaation Season
Engineering makes:
IV. Rumbu Rumbu Rumbu Marinasi Sate Meat Kambing
Engineering makes:
Engineering Creates:
Apart from satay, you can also find out the concept of SliceBQ Meat Marinaation Bumbu and how to Make it.
So after knowing how to sterilize goat meat for satay, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!
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