JAKARTA - Han Ye Seul revealed that she was married to her non-celebrity lover. This news was first revealed through his latest video on his personal YouTube channel.

"I've been waiting to share this happy news with you... My girlfriend and I have registered for our wedding," said Han Ye Seul today, Tuesday, May 7.

"Now, when I recorded this video, I was preparing to register for our wedding, but when this video was released, we were married. So we are husband and wife. Now I'm married! " he continued.

Han Ye Seul explained that in fact she never planned to get married as an important thing because she considered her lover as a friend for her life. However, she feels that marriage is important to show their certainty.

"The reason we decided to get married is to announce the certainty of our relationship to everyone. At first, we planned to register on May 5 but because it was a Sunday and a holiday, I don't know if that's possible," explained Han Ye Seul.

"I will show my life. I will include my husband who is very shy in front of the camera in the future," he said again.

A few hours later, he uploaded a photo with his husband on Instagram after being confirmed by the agency. He registered his wedding today, Tuesday, May 7.

"Actually, we wanted to register on May 5, Children's Day, but it was a holiday. I wanted to be a bride in May because I love spring. The 7th point is also the number of my favorite so everything goes perfectly and I am happy," wrote Han Ye Seul.

"On the one hand, I also think what is important from the date and season when you marry your loved ones, but the joy and joy for this little decision makes me realize that this is what makes life colorful. Lately, I feel more alive and grateful, looking forward to our days of being one," he said in Korean.

He also added in English, 'We just signed up for a wedding!! Even though we don't have a ceremony or party, who cares? We love each other, can't wait to welcome a new day as a husband and wife and we are also not the type of people who like a ceremony (Thank God!) (but maybe in the future, if we change our minds)

"But I can say, it's fun to get married without the bustle. Thank you for your support and I will live happily," concluded Han Ye Seul.

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