Meaning Drawing People During Psychotes, What Are Considered?
The meaning of drawing people during psychological tests (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - Psychotes will be carried out by someone who is proposing for a job. In the psychological test, there is a projective test that asks participants to draw people, trees and houses. So what does it mean to draw people during psychological tests?

For information, projective tests are a type of test to categorize or look at individual characters based on ambiguous stimulus. One of them is through a people drawing test. At this stage, participants are asked to draw humans according to their respective imaginations.

The drawing test in psychological tests is used as an ingredient to determine a person's characteristics or personality. This test does not have a definite measure of value such as a count or academic test, so there are separate aspects of assessment. Although there are no correct or wrong provisions, it is important for you to know how to assess this drawing test.

Before understanding the intricacies of the drawing test, let's first identify when this procedure was used in psychological tests. Psychotests drew people introduced in 1885 by Ebenezer Cooke. He has the finding that drawing humans can affect the growth and development of a child.

By Florence Goodenough in 1926, the test describes humans being increasingly popularized as a personality test. This form of psychological tests aims to see a person's personality or character related to the ability to work.

According to Goodthrough, from the results of the picture, you can also see the vision and mission of that person. Because no specific instructions have been given, more detailed images can show better vision and mission work.

The time of working on psychothesis drawing humans is also not too long. You are asked to create images of people proportionally in general 10-15 minutes. You don't have to think hard about producing good images, because what is considered not in terms of beauty but rather in terms of completeness of the body's limbs.

Many people feel confused when they get a human drawing test. The nature of this image test is the same as other forms of psychological tests, such as drawing trees and houses. The assessment does not refer to the calculation or special size, but there are several aspects that are taken into consideration.

Although you are not asked to draw it perfectly or aesthetically, you still have to pay attention to the picture that was created. Here are some tips for passing psychological tests to draw people that you can apply:

You can start by choosing the gender of the person you want to describe. It is recommended to describe according to your own gender. For example, if you are a man then it is better to describe a male person. You can also add an age estimate to your image so that the resulting human character can be seen.

You can describe individuals in real life, such as role models, famous characters, and so on. Avoid drawing characters from anime or cartoons. Thus, when asked to explain, it can provide a clearer and deeper explanation.

Describe it completely from head to toe. Don't forget to draw in small details such as eyebrows, eyelashes, and so on. This is so that recruiters can assess how thorough you are at work.

You can also describe expressions, such as happiness, sadness, or confusion. If you describe happiness, this can indicate that you are optimistic and enthusiastic in dealing with various types of jobs. If possible, you can attach an overview of a person's profession in an activity position, such as teachers, athletes, business people, and others.

Another thing you shouldn't miss is ensuring the proportion is balanced. Avoid drawing in the form of excesses such as in the part of your head that is too big or your hands are too small. The whole proportion to the results of your picture will be assessed.

Drawing people at large proportions may indicate high confidence, aggressive nature, and high level of activity. On the other hand, images with small proportions can show a lack of confidence in oneself, introvert nature, and less optimistic.

The style of the person described also has its own meaning. Open hands can describe open properties, while closed hands can show problems in social relationships. You can also draw the person in various positions such as sitting, standing, lying down, and so on.

In each psychological test of the image, make sure you pay attention to the accuracy of the line. Avoid making disconnected lines. In addition, make sure the line thickness is not too extreme, either too thick or too thin. Try to draw with one continuous line.

The thickness of the lines in various parts can provide clues about your personality. For example, if there is an emphasis on the lines of the face then this could indicate a lack of self-confidence. While the emphasis on the neck line can describe a strong determination and determination.

That's a review of the meaning of drawing people during psychological tests. It's very important to pay attention to several aspects when producing images that affect the assessment of your character or personality. You can train yourself first before undergoing this test. Also read how to recruit quality employees.

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