JAKARTA - It is difficult for children's self-confidence to grow without the full support of their parents. This means that self-confidence is a character-building that needs to be taught from an early age.

In general, self-confidence is a condition for someone who believes in and recognizes his/her ability to complete certain tasks. For example, children need to be trained to believe in their ability to sing in front of the class.

Not a few children feel ashamed or even afraid to 'show' their abilities. Therefore, you as a parent need to know how to grow self-confidence in children. How to do it? Here's the explanation.

Give trust

Young children, around 5 years of age, can begin to be trusted. The trust given to children can increase self-confidence, for example giving small tasks at home such as taking care of plants or decorating a room according to what they like.

Free the child to choose and express himself in a pleasant atmosphere. The opportunity to choose and take responsibility from an early age will make them dare to make decisions. Apart from that, the initiative will also grow in line with his creativity.

Supporting the courage to express opinions

Sometimes, children don't have the courage to make decisions because they don't get support from their parents. No matter how simple the choices and decisions are, they need to be supported.

cara menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri pada anak
Creative child illustration (Unsplash/Sigmund)

As parents, you can provide explanations and motivation so that your children dare to actualize themselves.

There is an explanation behind the mistake

Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone can seek and find solutions to their mistakes. If children make a mistake, because lack of knowledge of how to get a solution, they need to provide explanations.

cara menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri pada anak
Illustration of a child playing a pillow (Pexels/Allen Taylor)

Its function is to reinforce a sense of responsibility and open up insights that can ultimately decide which solution is the right one.

Customize every process

Parents' attention is the main factor of self-confidence in children. Attention can be expressed in simple terms, for example accompanying children during training or every process that is taken.

A psychologist Carl Pickhardt argues that practice is a process in realizing hope and self-confidence. Meanwhile, achievement and progress will naturally follow. From this statement, it would be right to always accompany every process that is carried out by children.

Give a new challenge

To get big fish you have to practice fishing for small fish. Like the growth process in children, in order to achieve good skills according to their age, challenges are needed to achieve small things.

cara menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri pada anak
Illustration of playing Rubik's Cube (Unsplash/Alan de la Cruz)

When giving challenges to children, adjust them according to their age. Avoid giving too much responsibility because it makes them feel pressured. Don't forget, parents need to give appreciation for every achievement.

In increasing self-confidence in children, the role of parents is very important. The five methods above can be done gradually and continuously.

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