How To Care For The Most Effective Bald Hair
How To Care For Bald Hair (Image of ayurt - Unsplash)

Rambut is indeed an important part that is often observed by many people. No wonder women or men will really pay attention to the health of their hair. As a result, it can still be maintained properly so that it can support their appearance. Want to know how to care for bald hair? Listen to the end, yes!

Many people think that if the owner of bald hair may not really need to keep his hair. Meanwhile, this assumption is wrong. Even if you are men who have a bald head, then do some of the following methods in the maintenance process.

I. Implement a Healthy Lifestyle

The trick is to increase the consumption of balanced nutritious foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Both types of meals have antioxidants that function as a free radical deterrent that causes hair loss. Also pay attention to the food content consumed, don't over-diet because protein shortages can cause hair loss.

Another way is to regularly exercise at least 20-30 minutes per day. Not only that, avoid behavior that stimulates hair loss, such as attractive habits or removing hair. In severe problems, this habit is a sign of tritothilomania psychological disorders.

II. Let The Hair Always Natural

Including the form and appearance. Follow-up to changing hair color or other hair care (except creambath) increases the risk of damage to the hair toboture. If your activities or work requires you to change your hairstyle, make time for your hair to 'breathing' occasionally.

III. Select Sampo according to Type of Hair

In some people, shampoo brands X can moisturize, but others make their hair dry and fall out easily. Should choose shampoo according to hair type. If you don't know, you can observe changes in the hair after using certain brand shampoos. Suitable sap generally makes the hair moist and strong.

IV. Do Special Hair Care

One of them is hair transplantation. This treatment is tried by cutting hair on the head, whose growth is active, then implanted in the head, which is rarely growing. Hair transplantation has the potential to cause inflammation and injury to the scalp so that its application requires careful consideration.

V. Keramas Properly

It is recommended to make it only once a day. However, this provision is not standard because it can be adjusted to texture, thickness, and hair type. You can get used to the hair state to make sure how many times you are required to wash it a week.

It should be noted that not only frequency, how to shampoo also affects hair loss. Stay away from massaging your head too hard when shampooing, especially if your hair is thin and fragile. Massage your head by pressing it slowly for a few minutes, then rinse your shampoo until it's clean.

Not only treatment, you can take drugs to avoid deboture (former finasteride) as well as medicine to moisturize your hair (minoxidil eye). Both types of drugs are consumed by men. For women who want to avoid being fit, try consuming sprinklerolactone to trigger the development of new hair.

In addition, you can also do 5 Natural Cares to avoid risks.

So after knowing how to treat bald hair, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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