Reasons You Can't Use Perfume When Your Body Is Sweaty And Tips For Usage During Hot Weather
Illustration using perfume (Ella Olsson-Pexels)

YOGYAKARTA One of the taboos for wearing perfume is not spraying it while the body is sweating. The pantangan is not made for no reason. Even the reason you can't use perfume when your body sweats makes quite sense and helps users avoid uncomfortable situations.

Quoted from Vogue, French perfume expert Francis Kurkdjian explained that perfume cannot withstand sweaty skin. In fact, sweat or natural odor that comes out of the body while sweating will beat the perfume used very quickly.

This means that the reason for using perfume when sweating is not recommended because the smell of sweat will dominate your body odor. Even worse, the use of perfume will be in vain if you don't pay attention to the spraying area.

In order to make perfume scents last longer, Francis Kurkdjian recommends spraying a little perfume on clothes, scarfs, or perfumes. This method is more recommended because perfume will avoid body sweat. However, spraying must be done periodically because perfume is easier to lose.

Hot weather will cause the body to produce sweat more often and more. When that happens, the use of perfume on the skin that is done carelessly will certainly be in vain. Here are tips for using perfume when the weather is hot.

The appearance of sweat on the limbs will make perfume fluid disappear. Spraying perfume on the skin during hot weather can actually be done, but you have to consider many things. For example, how hot the weather is, do you spend more time outside or indoors.

To make it more durable, try spraying perfume in the body area that doesn't sweat easily like behind your ears. Avoid spraying perfume on your chest, especially in your armpits.

Don't spray perfume when your body is wet due to sweat. The bunching is in vain because sweat will remove the perfume that has been sprayed. Worse yet, the smell of sweat will mix with perfume. Of course, both of them are not a good combination for your body's aroma.

Hair is safe from sweat, so you can target perfume spraying. But avoid excessive spraying in the hair. Just give a small spray in the back hair area near the ear.

Neutral lotion in the sense that it does not have its own fragrance. Before spraying perfume, try to apply neutral scent lotion on the skin first. After that, only spray perfume on the surface of the skin that has been swabbed by lotion.

Also, pay attention to some tips on choosing perfume for the summer so that the body remains fragrant and does not smell sweat.

That's the reason you can't use perfume when your body sweats. Visit to get other interesting information.

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