YOGYAKARTA - Need an electronic item idea for your friend's wedding gift? Well! Really fit, because this time we will discuss it, see until it's finished, yes!

Want to give a gift of useful household appliances, but do you want one that is not very mainstream? But if you just give an envelope to a close friend, of course this is not memorable. So an electronic gift is the solution!

This type of gift is not mainstream, and it is quite memorable if you give it. Then, what kind of electronic goods will we make a gift? Let's look below!

I. Rice Cooker

One of the electronic objects for a wedding gift is certainly useful but often forgotten, namely rice cooker. Remember that all modern people definitely need a rice cooker to speed up the rice farming process.

Moreover, the current rice cooker technology has grown rapidly so that it can be used to make various other dishes, such as porridge, bolu cake, soup, and many more. Digital Rice cooker can also be an interesting alternative to conventional rice cooker because the setting button is more varied, including steam tray, low cook, and digital timing.

II. Electric Oven

A new couple who likes to cook also deserves an electric oven as an electronic gift for marriage. When before giving this gift, don't forget to make sure that the electrical energy at the home of the prospective recipient of the gift is enough to operate the electric oven. The process of making dishes or burning will definitely be easier with the support of an electric and environmentally friendly oven because it does not produce smoke.

III. Hand Mixer

This type of electronics that functions to mix food ingredients is very suitable for couples who like to cook. Moreover, this prize can also be used as initial capital to start a culinary business such as catering or basketball.

Currently, the hand mixer variant is getting more and more varied so that it is easy to adjust to the budget and the needs of the recipient of the prize. Time to look for reviews on various well-known hand mixer products so that you can ensure the best choice whose function is maximum and lasts a long time.

IV. Coffee Maker

If the couple you want to give a marriage gift is a coffee lover, then you don't have to hesitate to give a coffee maker. This electronic item will make the recipient free to make his own coffee at home practically.

In general, coffee makers whose capacity is greater and more wealthy need more electrical energy than coffee makers with standard features. Even greater, modern coffee makers have an aesthetic form that can perfect the interior feel of the house. The choices are also very diverse so they are easily adapted to the budget.

V. Microwave

If you want to buy electronic goods for wedding gifts for couples who rarely cook or live in apartments, the microwave can be the best option.

VI. Blender

Not only mixers, but blenders are also considered electronic objects for highly recommended wedding gifts. New brides who are rushing to move houses generally have not prepared electronic goods in detail. Therefore, blenders can be chosen as special special gifts that are very useful.

The function of blender is not only to make fire, but can also be used to mix food doughs, smooth kitchen spices, and destroy ice cubes. The presence of blenders in the new household will obviously make it easier to prepare meals at any time.

VII. Vacuum Cleaner

An electronic gift option for marriage which is also full of benefits, namely vacuum cleaner. The recipient must be very grateful for this gift because its function is efficient for cleaning the house and other furniture.

You can also add other references by reading: A Gift for Marriage That Will Make You Impressed.

So after knowing the idea of electronic goods for wedding gifts, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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