YOGYAKARTA - The increase in stomach acid is a very disturbing and painful condition. In addition to having to endure pain, the sufferer also has difficulty doing activities as usual. There are various ways that can be done to overcome this health problem.

Maybe so far people with stomach acid relieve their symptoms by taking medication. In addition, you can also treat stomach acid using natural ingredients. When stomach acid recurs, try to eat some types of boiled water.

You can use some types of leaves to relieve symptoms of stomach acid. This natural way of treatment also plays a good role in digestive health. So what are the leaf boiled recipes for stomach acid that you need to know?

Consuming leaf boiled water is a natural way to treat stomach acid pain. These leaf ingredients that you can use are easy to find in the yard or in the market or supermarket.

Here are some leaf boiled recipes that you can make to help treat stomach acid:

One plant known to help relieve stomach acid is kemangi leaves. These leaves are a rich source of nutrients, containing vitamins C, calcium, betacaroten, iron, phosphorus, apigenin, eugenol, and amino acid arginin and triptofan. Studies show that kemangi leaves can protect the stomach from symptoms of injury.

The benefits of kemangi leaves include lowering stomach acid levels and increasing the production of mucus layers that protect the stomach walls. In addition, kemangi leaves help maintain a healthy balance of body acid and regulate healthy pH. Consumption of kemangi leaves can be done directly or by making boiled water.

Betel leaves are widely known for their antibacterial properties that help fight the growth of harmful bacteria. These leaves can also relieve stomach pain and GERD symptoms by increasing mucus production in the intestines and stomachs to prevent damage.

In addition to protecting the intestines from poison and free radicals, betel leaf also balances the acidity level of stomach acid, relieves symptoms of ulcers, prevents stomach acid from rising and bloating stomach.

Kelor leaves are also often used as a natural medicine for digestive problems, including stomach acid. The content of tannins and flavonoids in them acts as effective vegetable antioxidants in reducing inflammation and irritation.

Kelor leaves can also help overcome maag problems. The nutritional content contained in kelor leaves also contributes to the overall health of the body. Try to make boiled kelor leaves and drink water to relieve stomach acid conditions.

The results of a study published in the journal Drug Research show that mint leaves have benefits in preventing digestive disorders. mint leaves have been shown to have the ability to relax muscles around the concavity.

mint leaves can also help regulate excessive production of stomach acid. With a delicious fresh taste, mint leaves can provide comfort and relaxation in the digestive system.

The flavonoid and phenol compounds in papaya leaves have proven useful in reducing the level of stomach acid. Not only that, these leaves also contain protease and amilase enzymes to improve digestive function.

The enzyme content plays a role in decomposing protein, carbohydrates, and minerals to improve digestive performance. The anti-inflammatory properties possessed by papaya leaves can reduce the formation of wounds caused by stomach acid in the stomach.

Those are recommendations for leaf cooking for stomach acid that you can try at home. In addition to helping relieve stomach acid disorders, the prescription for leaf cooking above is also beneficial for maintaining digestive health. Also read black honey for stomach acid and how to treat it.

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