Habits That Can Cause Cervical Cancer
Habits That Can Cause Cervical Cancer ( studio-freepic cookie image)

YOGYAKARTA - Cervical cancer is one type of cancer that comes from the neck of Rahim or Services. That's why this time we will discuss habits that can cause cervical cancer. Listen to the end, yes!

Cervical cancer can occur due to changes or DNA mutations in the cervix cell. However, it turns out that there are several other factors that can cause cancer. Worse, women often do not realize these factors until cancer cells develop.

I. Sexually Infectious Diseases

Some studies say that the risk of cervical cancer is higher for women who have had sexually transmitted diseases, such as sex warts, clidias, gonores, and syphilics.

Women who are infected with the HPV virus also have a big risk of cervical cancer. This is because HPV inflammation can arise to coincide with sexually transmitted diseases.

II. History Consumes Hormon Drug DES

DES or diethylstilbestrol is a hormone drug that is given to avoid miscarriage. Not only in women with two bodies, this drug can also increase the risk of cervical cancer in the woman's fetus.

III. Aspects of Descendants

A woman has a greater risk of having cervical cancer, if there is a family of women who have been diagnosed with a similar disease. It is not known exactly what is the basis for this, but it is predicted that it is related to genetic aspects.

IV. Weak Body Immunity System

A woman with a weak immune system is usually more susceptible to being infected with HPV, for example with HIV/AIDS. Not only that, women who undergo healing to suppress endurance, such as cancer healing and autoimmune diseases, are also more at risk of being infected with HPV which can stimulate the formation of cervical cancer.

V. Using KB Capsule

Several studies show that the use of oral contraception or KB capsules for a long time, could increase the risk of cervical cancer. As a safer alternative to avoid cervical cancer, choose other contraceptive methods, such as IUD or KB spirals.

However, further research is still needed regarding the use of the KB capsule which can stimulate the formation of the cervical cancer. To choose the right and appropriate type of contraception, you should consult a gynecologist first.

VI. Unhealthy Lifestyle

Women with excess weight and rarely consume fruit and vegetables can also be a factor in the formation of cervical cancer. This risk will increase if the woman has smoking followed.

Chemicals in tobacco are believed to be able to interfere with DNA in cells and cause cervical cancer. Not only that, smoking also makes the body's immune system weaker so that it is less efficient in fighting HPV infection.

VII. Pregnant Young Age And Already Born Several Times

Containing for the first time when you are less than 17 years old can make a woman more susceptible to cervical cancer. Women who had two bodies and gave birth more than 3 times are also predicted to be more at risk of cervical cancer.

According to research, weakened body immunity systems and hormonal changes throughout pregnancy can make women more susceptible to HPV infection.

VIII. Human Papillomavirus Infection (HPV)

Almost all cervical cancer problems are triggered by HPV virus infection. The reason is that cells in the cervix that are infected with this virus can experience unnatural developments and become virulent.

Meanwhile, a woman can also be infected with HPV from risky sex behavior, for example, often changing sex partners and having sex without condoms.

In addition, as women, you also need to read: Kanker Serviks Dominates the Proportion of Cancer Cases in Indonesia so that they can be even more vigilant.

So after knowing the habits that can cause cervical cancer, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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