How To Make Interesting Historical Novels Based On Personal Stories And Real Stories
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YOGYAKARTA How to make a historical novel is first to determine history based on personal experience or history that has been studied by experts. Because the object of history is both quite different. However, there are several things in general that need to be considered both when writing personal history or history that has been studied by experts.

This article will try to give an overview of how to write a historical novel in general so that writers can write the work until it's finished.

Reporting from the website of the Directorate of Junior High School of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the definition of historical novels is a novel that is based on historical facts and is then told again by the author from a point of view that is not listed in existing historical facts.

Although historical novels do not tell the historical facts that already exist, historical novel writers must base stories on the accuracy of existing history. It is not justified if historical novels are written without considering actual events.

Starting to write a historical novel is indeed quite difficult if the author has no good knowledge of novel writing techniques and historical knowledge. For this reason, the following is the stage of writing the recommended historical novel.

The first step that must be taken by the author before starting to write a historical novel is to determine what history to tell.

It must be understood, a work can be said to be a historical novel if the work intersects with a real event that has been proven or confirmed by experts. Historical novels can be a complement or details of a historical event. The author of a historical novel will determine what events will be written and then tell another point of view about the event.

After choosing what historical events will be told, the author must determine the point of view regarding historical events that are not told or not informed by experts. That is, the author cannot tell history resembling a historical story that has been told by experts. Instead, the author can choose another point of view based on a true story.

For example, historical writers want to write about Japanese colonialism in Indonesia. The author of the historical novel will try to tell one of the figures who became victims of Japanese colonialism or write Japanese who are perpetrators of colonialism.

After determining what point of view you want to tell of an event, the author can already start doing historical research. This research will connect stories with historical events. The author will combine historical events that actually occur in a novel with stories he has built.

The intrinsic novel element is the building element in an intrinsic element consisting of several things, namely as follows.

If all the stages have been done, the author can already write a history novel. The initial paragram in the first chapter will greatly affect the course of the novel so that the author must pay serious attention to the first paragraph.

That's how to create a history novel. Visit to get more interesting information.

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