YOGYAKARTA Have a match of one of the fundamental things in building commitments. But in today's technological era, many dating applications or even many cross-border meetings lead to romantic relationships. Before establishing a dating relationship, here are the tricks that need to be applied to ensure they are both committed.

It is very important to know what you like and what the boundaries are. By knowing this, you can validate and respect feelings and needs. If you know what is needed, it will be easier to overcome anxiety and find a suitable partner. Unlike when you don't know what your needs are, the implications are disappointment and make mistakes in choosing which one fits or not.

Getting a partner and building a relationship based on commitment, departs from yourself. Including studying an authentic self to show yourself what it is from the first date. If you hide yourself from being too negative or excessive, you're not going to let other people know you. In the end people can't connect with you. When you become yourself, the right person will love you.

Before starting dating, it's important to build a clear and mature point of view. According to licensed psychotherapist Caitlin Cantor, LSCW., CST., many of her clients may feel happy having a romantic partner, but they don't. Having a romantic partner is not the key to happiness. It's important to understand that relationships are important but not the only mission to be happy.

Don't let the high expectations make you unrealistic. For example, you have to make decisions based on what is going on. If it doesn't fit, it doesn't have to be forced.

On the one hand, hope can help survive difficult situations. Hope can also make you believe in a better future. But you stick to realistic things because decisions have to be taken from real facts, not from expectations.

Avoid talking directly about things with new people. If you are anxious when dating, you may be tempted to discuss what you need. But not all information from the first date guarantees a beautiful future without problems. That is, relationships based on commitments are built gradually. You should learn to tolerate future uncertainty to build relationships with a strong and lasting foundation.

If you are ready to commit and the person you meet is not ready, you don't have to wait indefinitely in the hope that he will change his mind. Their need for more time is not more important than your need for a commitment. You can decide to give more time if you wish, but don't give them unlimited time.

While waiting, at some point you ignore your needs completely, as well as the person you meet. If that person cares about your needs, he won't expect you to continue to be in serious'serious' without any ties.

Everyone needs time and consideration in establishing a commitment. Also consider your own needs, if your date doesn't provide certainty about the commitment you need, there's no wrong choice. That is, you still need to respect your own needs but also the needs of others.

It's natural that you need friends about dating life. But don't ask everyone for advice about your dating situation. Try to believe in your own feelings.

Building a commitment requires relational skills. According to Cantor as reported by Psychology Today, Monday, April 22, the more you create a healthy relationship with yourself, the more empowered you will be in building a commitment with a romantic partner.

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