Can Microsleep Be Healed? Check Out Understanding, Causes, And How To Prevent It
Illustration of microsleep (Pixabay)

YOGYAKARTA The term microsleep refers to a condition where a person sleeps accidentally for a few seconds. This condition can happen to anyone under any circumstances. Unfortunately microsleep can bring someone into danger, for example while driving. Whether microsleep can be cured or not, this article will try to provide information.

Reporting from AI Care, microsleep is a term that refers to a very short sleep period in seconds. This condition often occurs when a person tries to fight the boredom and drowsiness of an extraordinary coconut.

Microsleep can occur due to various factors. Some things that can trigger a person to experience microsleep are as follows.

Basically microsleep is harmless, but it becomes dangerous if microsleep occurs when someone is in certain conditions. For example, while driving, operating an engine, or other conditions as a result can trigger a driving accident or work accident.

Microsleep can be harmless if that condition occurs when a person is in a safe place, for example while watching a movie, while reading a book, and so on. This means that the dangerous level of microsleep depends on the condition.

For people with microsleep who want to recover, of course, they must find the cause first. For example, the handling of microsleep that is triggered because of the narcolepsy, of course, the treatment is different from the microsleep that occurs due to lack of sleep.

Reporting from helpguide, narcotics are chronic neurological disorders that affect the part of the brain that regulates sleep. People with narcolepsy will feel excessive drowsiness during the day which can occur very quickly.

A person who has sleep disorders is not able to control his drowsiness so he can sleep at any time.

Unfortunately, microsleep is due to an unrealable narcolepsy, but the symptoms can be reduced by keeping a healthy lifestyle, counseling, and medical support.

While microsleep caused by fatigue can be prevented. Some things that help deplete the risk of microsleep are as follows.

Microsleep is triggered by the quality of sleep that is disturbed. It is recommended to always maintain qualitative rest so as not to get infected with microsleeps, especially before driving a long-distance vehicle or before operating heavy equipment.

Temporarily stop drinking or foods that contain caffeine such as coffee or tea. In addition, do not smoke or drink alcohol before going long.

Caffeine helps a person stay awake and focused. When you start to feel sleepy even though you have to stay awake, try drinking a cup of coffee. This method could be a way out to relieve drowsiness.

The boredom that occurs while driving or doing monotonous activities is also the cause of microsleeping. To avoid boredom you can listen to music or chat.

This method is done so that the body is fresh again. Try to wash your face with cold water. After that try to do a light stretch to get the body back to fresh.

That's information related to whether microsleep can be cured. Visit to get more interesting information.

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