JAKARTA - Bad body odor can be a disturbing problem, especially in everyday life. However, don't worry! we will give five powerful tricks to solve body odor problems and keep fragrant throughout the day.

Diligent Bathing

Bathing at least once a day serves to relieve sweat and also some bacteria that stick to the skin. Basically, sweat has no smell. However, when bacteria that live on the skin mix with sweat. These bacteria breed rapidly and cause a fairly pungent odor. Cleaning the body thoroughly by using water, especially in areas that tend to sweat, it can help overcome body odors.

Use Antibacterial Soap

Bathing with antibacterial stem soap will help remove some bacteria that can help treat odors. Find a soap product that says 'antimatter' on the packaging.

Dry the body properly

After bathing, dry the whole body properly and properly. Pay close attention, especially to areas where you sweat a lot. If your skin is dry, the bacteria that smell more difficult to breed on your skin.

Use anti-pymptomatics

After the body is clean and dry, use anti-pympir on the armpits. This product contains aluminum chloride, chemicals that help prevent sweat, and often also contain deodorant. Use it twice a day once a morning and once a night. Antuperspires are sold freely and you don't need recipes to get anti-pempiries.

Change clothes regularly

Dirty clothes or sweat attached to clothes can be a source of body odor. Change clothes regularly, especially after physical activities that make you sweat. Choose clothes made of ingredients that absorb sweat easily, such as cotton, to keep your body dry and fragrant.

Keep your feet clean

Unclean feet can also be the cause of body odor. Keep your feet clean by washing them regularly using antibacterial soap. Also make sure to dry your feet well after washing, especially between your legs, to avoid bacterial growth. Use leg powder or antiperspirant specifically for your feet to reduce sweat production and prevent unpleasant odors.

Pay attention to your diet

Foods consumed can also affect the smell of the body. Foods that contain onion, garlic, or strong spices can give the body an unpleasant odor. Avoid these foods if you want to keep them fragrant throughout the day. Instead, eat foods rich in fiber and water, such as fruits and vegetables, to help remove toxins from the body and maintain skin health.

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