YOGYAKARTA - The clavicula examination technique is a term that is in the medical world, and this time we will discuss it here, see until it's finished!

The reason is, clavicula or commonly known as selangka bone is a long bone that acts as a buffer between buying bones and sternum (chest bones).

There are 2 Claviculas, namely right and left. Clavicula is the only long bone in the body that is stretched horizontally.

Together with the backbone, it makes a shoulder corset. It is a bone that is usually touched, and in people who have less fat in this area, the bone's position is very clear, because it gives rise to a bulge in the skin. He received it from the Latin Clavicula which means a small key, because the bone rotates along the axis like a key. Clavicula is the most often cracked bone.

The bone can easily break because the impact on the shoulder of the force falls with a stretched arm or direct blow.

Anatomi Clavicula

In adults, each klavicala has a length of about 6 inches (less than 15 centimeters) and one of them is a bone that stretches along the upper part of the chest or in front of the shoulder horizontally (from side to side). After that, there is a ligament that connects the sternum (sternum) in the middle of the ribs with the spine.

Examination Technique

AP Axial Projection Patient Position : - Patients direct/permit

The position of the object :- Back stuck to the cassette

- Make sure there is no rotation

- Set a sick Clavicula in the middle of the cassette

- make sure the back is perfect on the cassette

- make sure later there is no truncated picture

Central Point (CP): Clavicula Middle

Central Ray (CR): Horizontals form an angle of 15-30 derat

FFD: 100 cm

Kaset : 18x24

Radiograph Criteria : - Seen achromonclavicular and sternoclavicular joint

- Clavicula do not have a superposition

Disruption in Clavikula

Klavikula is a bone that is prone to injury so it needs to be protected properly considering its position and position in arm movements and fairly crucial shoulders. The bone injury can occur due to exercise activities, falling especially when stretching hands to restrain yourself, or an accident.

There are also some disturbances that can occur in klavikula, namely as follows.

I. Shoulder Off

The shoulder of the loose, shoulder separated, or separated shoulder shoulder is a condition when the ligament connects the klavicula and the bone of the netizen is injured or torn, causing the bone of the bulk and the klavikula to be separated.

The state of this loose shoulder can cause damage to the joints of C (acromiocvicular), namely joints that bring together the bones and bones of the skeleton. As a result, the position of the spine becomes uneven and there are symptoms of a kind of tensile and bulge that is felt under the skin.

II. Shoulder Dislocation

One of the most frequent disorders in klavikula is the shoulder dislocation, namely the condition when the upper arm bone (humerus) shifts from the backbone of the bulk. This situation can be divided into 2 types, namely partial dislocation (partial humerus shifts out) and total dislocation (all parts of the humerus come out of the bone).

III. Selangka Tulang Fracture

Not only shoulder dislocation, but the bone of the skeleton can also be fractural, whether it is cracked, broken, or broken. Generally, this can happen due to accidents, sports activities, or falling in a supine position.

Most of the problems of qualitulant fracture occur in the central third or proximal (closer to the base) of klavikula. Even so, this broken spine can also crack in one place or break into several parts (communative factions).

How To Maintain Klavikula's Health

In order to avoid the emergence of injuries that can cause disturbances in klavicula, several methods that can be tried to maintain and protect klavikula, namely the following:

In addition, you can also read: 'Types Maintaining Tulang Health in the style of Why Barends' as an addition to your bone health reflectance.

So after knowing the clavicula examination technique, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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