What Is Leptin's Resistance? Causes Of Natural Obesity
What is leptin resistance (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - Many think that obesity is caused by overeating. It's true, but excessive eating is not the only cause of obesity. Even though the case of obesity is not as simple as being greedy or eating up.

Behind the case of obesity, it has something to do with the hormone leptin. The resistance to leptin hormones turns out to be very influential in the buildup of fat in the body. For those of you who want to adopt a healthy life, you need to know what leptin resistance is and its role in obesity.

Leptin is a peptide hormone produced by fat cells. These hormones play a role in controlling appetite and the emergence of hunger. Leptin will send a signal to the brain to tell when the stomach is full.

In the hypotalamus section of the human brain, there are receptors or special substances that receive signals from the leptin hormone. Hypotalamus will be active when the leptin levels in the body are too high. Leptin hormones increase when the stomach is full and will channel the signal to the receptor.

A special receptor on the hypotalamus will receive a message that indicates the stomach is fully occupied. This process will reduce your hunger and appetite. But if the leptin hormone is too low it can lead to the opposite. A person will tend to overeat.

leptin hormones have a big influence on the risk of obesity that a person can experience. Leptin resistance will put a person in hunger mode, so that appetite is high. Leptin resistance is a condition when there is a lack of sensitivity to leptin.

If you experience leptin resistance, the brain will not respond to leptin as usual. Because you are constantly stimulated by leptin, you cannot feel full. This condition will make you eat more food, even if there are sufficient fat deposits in the body.

People who are obese store a lot of body fat in their fat cells. The amount of leptin in a person's body is comparable to the amount of fat because the leptin hormone is produced by fat cells. Fat-body people have a very high leptin level. But the problem that often occurs is that the leptin signal does not work so that there is leptin resistance.

Behind the occurrence of leptin resistance, there are several cell mechanisms that create a lack of sensitivity to leptin. The following are a number of factors that cause leptin resistance in a person's body:

Almost all of the above factors have increased in obese people. So the condition of obesity and the hormone leptin is interconnected with each other. People can become fatter and leptin levels will increase high.

There are several efforts that can be made to prevent leptin resistance. For those of you who are worried about the potential for obesity, here are a number of ways to prevent leptin resistance:

That's a review of what leptin resistance is and its relationship to obesity. So far, people think that the cause of obesity is eating too much and lazy to exercise. However, if you look deeper at health science, there is leptin resistance which plays an important role in the occurrence of obesity. Also read the side effects of distended stomach that need to be watched out for.

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