5 Food Pantangan For Heart Disease Patients, Anything?
Illustration (Photo: Unsplash/Robina Weermeijer)

YOGYAKARTA Patients with heart disease need to take medication regularly in order to control symptoms and prevent severity. In addition, they also need to avoid various dietary restrictions for people with heart so that the treatment runs effectively.

So what are the taboo foods for people with heart? Let's see the full explanation below.

For information, heart disease is a type of disease that cannot be cured. When a person is sentenced to heart disease, he must continue to take medication and adopt a healthy lifestyle to minimize the severity of the disease.

One lifestyle that can be applied by people with heart disease is to avoid various kinds of food that are not good for heart health.

Some types of food are taboo for people with heart disease, including:

1. Salty food

The first dish of food for people with heart is salt food. The main source of salty taste in food comes from excess salt.

On the other hand, salt is one of the inadequate intakes for heart health, especially for people with hypertension (high blood disease). That's why high salt or salted foods are not good for people with heart disease.

A person suffering from heart disease is advised to limit the consumption of salty foods or snacks, such as potato chips, macaroni, ferries, or snacks. Instead, people with heart disease can eat healthy snacks such as yogurt, nuts, and fruits.

2. High-fat foods

Next, people with heart disease also need to avoid high-fat foods or cholesterol. This type of food can cause heart condition and blood vessels to worsen.

Some high-fat foods are not well consumed by people with heart, namely meat with fat, pizza, and various fried foods.

3. Sweet food

Consumption of sugary or high sugary foods in excess has the potential to cause obesity.

Well, obesity itself is one of the risk factors for heart disease. By avoiding sweet foods, such as candy, sweet cakes, and ice cream patients with heart disease can keep their weight ideal.

Dry fruit is also a taboo food for people with heart disease, because it is high in sugar, so it needs to be limited in intake.

4. Processed meat

processed meat such as cornets, smoke meat, and sausages also includes a taboo food for people with heart disease.

These foods tend to contain preservatives such as nitrit and salt so that they have the potential to increase blood pressure and reduce oxygen-rich blood flow to the heart.

If blood pressure is high, the heart will work harder to pump blood throughout the body. As a result, arterial vessels work beyond capacity and increase the risk of stroke or heart attacks.

5. Red meat

Not only processed meat, but red meat also needs to be avoided by people with heart disease.

This type of food contains high saturated fats so that it can increase cholesterol levels in the blood.

High cholesterol levels can cause plaque buildup on the walls of blood vessels. In medical, this condition is called atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis itself is one of the risk factors for stroke and heart attacks.

However, people with heart disease do not mean they cannot eat red meat. They can still eat it as long as they remove the layer of fat that sticks to red meat.

This is information about the taboo food for people with heart. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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