YOGYAKARTA What is cardiomogali? Kardiomegali is a medical term used to refer to heart swelling.

Kardiomogali is actually not a disease, but a symptom of other health conditions, such as short-term stress during pregnancy, heart valve disorders, weakening movement of the heart muscles, corionary arterial disease, and heart rhythm disorders.

For more details, let's look at the full information below.

Kardiomegali is a swelling of the heart so that its size becomes larger than the normal heart size.

Kardiomegali usually occurs due to diseases or conditions that make the heart have to work harder to pump blood. As a result, the heart muscle thickens so that the heart size grows.

The swelling of the heart can be detected through scanning, such as X-ray photos. The general condition is not an emergency. However, it is important to find out the cause of cardiomogali so that sufferers can get the right treatment.

Adapting AI-Care, cardiomegali generally does not show special symptoms. However, this condition can cause blood flow throughout the body to be hampered, resulting in the following discomfort:

Symptoms of cardiomogali can vary in each person, depending on the cause and swelling of the heart.

Some people may not be aware of the emerging symptoms of cardiomogali. Some are feeling a number of mild symptoms that are taking place.

If the condition is severe, someone who has a heart swelling will experience shortness of breath which then worsens.

If the symptoms of cardiomogali are accompanied by pain in the chest, severe shortness of breath, discomfort in the upper body such as the arms, neck, jaw and stomach and having experienced fainting, you should immediately go to the nearest health facility to get the right treatment.

Still from Ai-Care, some medical conditions that can cause cardiomogali include:

The above has been mentioned that the swelling of the heart is caused by certain diseases or medical conditions. Therefore, a person who has cardiomagali is advised to do an examination in order to detect the cause.

Usually, doctors will carry out physical examinations, imaging tests, EKG and other tests needed to enforce a diagnosis.

Once the cause is known, the doctor will intervene to deal with cardiomogali. Interventions are carried out such as:

1. Drug therapy to prevent severity

In some patients, doctors can provide diuretic drugs that make patients urinate frequently. The provision of antideurtics aims to prevent the heart from pumping blood too heavy.

Other drugs that can be given to people with cardiomogali include antiarithmia drugs, angiotensinceptor blockers (ARB), and anticoagulant drugs.

2. Operations and other procedures

If cardiomogali is caused by a heart valve problem, the doctor will recommend surgery to address the cause.

Likewise, in cardiac swelling caused by blockages in the arteries, doctors will suggest surgery to restore blood flow to a hampered heart.

3. Implementation of a healthy lifestyle

To reduce severity, doctors will advise people with cardiomogali to live a healthy lifestyle such as quitting smoking, not consuming alcohol, taking a low-fat diet, exercising regularly, getting enough rest and managing stress well.

That's what information about what cardiomogali is. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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