YOGYAKARTA Information about how to make snow women's cakes search a lot ahead of Eid.

The snow princess cake is a sickle-shaped dry cake sprinkled with white fine sugar.

This type of cake is never absent at every Eid celebration. The snow princess cake always adorns the living room table for guests who travel.

In terms of taste, the snow princess cake has a sweet, savory, and cold sensation when it is bitten. Wheat flour, Maizena flour, butter, and egg yolk cooked in the oven give rise to a savory and sweet impression. While the cold effect comes from the sprinkling of fine sugar that covers the surface of the cake.

Well, for those of you who want to know how to make a snow princess cake, see the full information below.

The ingredients for making snow women's cakes are very easy to find in the market, ranging from margarine, refined sugar, wheat flour, maizena to powder milk.

To make a soft and crunchy snow princess cake in the mouth, here are some ingredients that you have to prepare:

Once all the ingredients above are ready, you can make a soft snow princess cake with the following steps:

That's information about how to make a snow princess cake. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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