JAKARTA - Since the documentary Framing Britney Spears was broadcast last month, many have asked Britney Spears' father, Jamie Spears to step down as his son's conservator.

The request reached Jamie's side. Through her lawyer, Vivian Lee Thoreen, Jamie hopes that Britney's conservatory will end.

“(Jamie) would love to see Britney doesn't need a conservator. The end of the conservatory really depends on Britney herself, "Thoreen quoted CNN International as saying today, March 3.

Jamie admits he is not a perfect father but he hopes that every decision he makes will be the best for Britney and her health.

Jamie Spears was appointed Britney's conservator in 2008 after several personal cases of Britney affected her mental health conditions.

In August 2020, Samuel D. Ingham III filed a request to revoke Jamie's power as conservator, but was rejected by a Los Angeles court even though Ingham said Britney was 'afraid' of her father. Ingham also said his client will not return to the world of entertainment as long as he is still under Jamie's control.

Thoreen went on to say that Jamie had never tried to take over as conservator of Britney. All decisions were purely court proceedings without the involvement of Thoreen or Jamie.

When asked about Jamie Spears' recent statement, Ingham and her client chose not to comment. The conservatory follow-up trial is scheduled for March 17.

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