YOGYAKARTA In the month of Ramadan, Muslims fast because it is one of the five pillars of Islam. The moon, which is considered the holiest, is filled with fasting and a series of worships. To perform worship and fasting Ramadan with your family, here are tips that can be a guide to keep it fun.

Refusing oneself from eating, drinking, smoking, and committing bad habits starts from intention. Without unanimous intention, living it will be difficult and burdensome. So one thing that must be done is to fast purely because of Allah SWT. Isn't holding back not doing things that invalidate the fast will feel lighter if it closes in a round? So for 14 hours of not eating and drinking must be based on intention.

Sahur is done before Imsak and Adhan Subuh reverberates. This marks before dawn. To ensure suhoor, you and your family need to make a plan. Good plan what dishes to eat together until what time you wake up for dawn. Sahur, it is recommended to consume complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fat. You can consume more fruits that contain a lot of water to avoid dehydration.

Ramadan fasting is a moment of spiritual cleansing for most Muslims who carry it out. This is also done as an expression of piety. By fasting, emotional and mental relationships are formed. Launching Daily Sabah, Monday, March 25, fasting Ramadan with your family should take the time to get close and reflect on anything that should be grateful for.

When breaking the fast, you and your family certainly prepare meals. Starting from opening foods, sweet drinks, dates, and other takjil. But it is important to measure that when breaking the fast avoid eating excessively. For example, start opening with dates and water. Then after praying Maghrib can consume balanced food.

It is important to understand that excessive eating can cause discomfort and sluggish body. It also disturbs Tarawih prayers.

After holding back thirst and hunger, eat a balanced meal. During the time of breaking the fast until dawn, you and your family can enter a menu of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, non-fat protein, and limit sweets and fried foods.

To maintain energy levels, do light physical activity. But avoid strenuous exercise during fasting hours. You can take a walk with your loved ones after or before breaking the fast.

During your spare time, you and your family can take advantage of time for spiritual reflection. For example reading the Qur'an and improving charity and kindness to others.

It is important to understand that fasting is not only challenging but also brings great benefits of testing toughness. When fasting, you and your family are also trained in patience. In facing all challenges, it means giving opportunities in spiritual, emotional, and mental growth.

It is important to get enough sleep and rest. This helps you stay focused on your activities and energy throughout the day. Of course, set a comfortable sleeping light and avoid accessing smart devices for too long. If possible, sleep early so that it is right on time to wake up sahur.

Breaking the fast together, sharing food, and praying together can foster a sense of unity. By staying connected to distant families, communities, or close relatives, it will add support and enthusiasm in fasting. Together with others will also make fasting easier, more enjoyable, and have a positive effect on each other.

Nine tips for enjoying Ramadan fasting with the family above, can be done simply. You can break the fast and eat sahur with family members. If possible, you can worship together at the mosque or at home.

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