YOGYAKARTA In addition to being easy to obtain, papaya fruit contains good nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for the health of the body. But did you know there is a safe limit for consumption of papaya fruit?

Pepaya fruit does have a myriad of benefits. For example, consumption of papaya reduces HPV infection and the risk of cervical lesis. In addition, this fruit is also used to improve digestion. However, if consumed excessively, it will trigger certain side effects such as diarrhea.

Eating too many papaya should be avoided. There is a safe threshold for eating papaya in a day. In general, eating a maximum papaya can be done as much as 200 grams per day. However, this figure does not apply to everyone considering that each person's conditions are different.

Reporting from the gracelaboratory, one papaya with a moderate size has approximately 120 calories to 30 grams of carbohydrates, 5 grams of fiber, and 18 grams of sugar. The amount of papaya restrictions that can be eaten by a person depends on many factors ranging from age, general health, to food needs.

However, for general guidelines, adults may eat papaya with a safe medium size or approximately 300 grams per day. As for children, the number of papaya that can be eaten is certainly lower.

Quoted from Antara, Clinical Nutrition Specialist from the University of Indonesia, Dr. Diana Felicia Suganda explained that the recommendation to eat fruit in a day is two to three servings.

Meanwhile, the fruit portion dose according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is at least 50 grams. So in a day the recommendation for eating a total fruit is 150 grams of fruit.

However, the fruit consumed should be varied. Apart from papaya, you can combine it with other fruits or vegetables. That way the intake of nutrients and vitamins that enter the body is more complete.

The efficacy of papaya for health turns out to be quite a lot. Some of the benefits of papaya are as follows.

Do not throw away papaya seeds because they are able to detoxify the liver. In addition, papaya seeds can help increase the appetite of children, the elderly, and alcoholic patients. Pepaya seeds also help prevent free radicals in the liver cells.

Papan enzymes in papaya are able to dissolve and clean dead tissues without affecting good cell activity.

Pepaya contains vitamin C which is sufficient to maintain the immune system. Eat papaya regularly to protect the body from disease and infection.

Pepaya contains two enzymes, namely papain and chymopapain. Both enzymes digest protein, therefore papaya is able to reduce chronic inflammation such as asthma and joint inflammation.

Pepaya contains high water that is able to reduce bloating and relieve constipation. The high fiber in Pepaya is able to encourage regular intestinal activity, helping reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Pepaya can make a person look younger. The height of vitamin C helps the formation of collagen in the body. This collagen will help tighten the skin while prevent premature aging.

That's the safe limit for consumption of papaya fruit. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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