Does Vitamin Inject Cancel Fasting? Depending On The Goal
Do vitamin injections break the fast (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - Injecting vitamin C is one method to provide intake of vitamin C into the body. Injecting vitamin C is carried out by quite a number of people because it provides benefits to the health of the body. But what if this is done while fasting? Does vitamin injection break the fast?

vitamin injection can be done through a doctor or at a health clinic. Usually people undergo vitamin C injections to increase immunity or the immune system. In addition, this health method also plays a role in helping the body fight infection, accelerate wound healing, and absorb iron by the body.

vitamin injections can be done at any time, and sometimes someone does it during the month of Ramadan. In this case, many wonder if vitamin injections break the fast and how is the law?

The law of injecting vitamin C during fasting is still a matter of debate. If it is based on the provisions of fasting, one of the activities that invalidates fasting is the entry of objects into open holes in the body. So if you put fluid into the body through an injection, does it include breaking the fast?

A number of scholars argue that injections (injections) can break the fast if the goal is to replace food and drinks. For example, in the case of someone experiencing severe vomiting or diarrhea. This person needs a liquid infusion to fill the nutrients that are lost during illness.

However, the injection or infusion of vitamin C does not include breaking the fast if done to maintain body stamina. If an intravenous injection or subcutaneous containing vitamins and other substances is performed in the purpose of treatment, it does not cause the fast to cancel.

But if it must be remembered, if the vitamin C injection is done to include nutrients or as a substitute for food, then the law is to cancel the fast. However, if you really want to do a vitamin injection in the month of Ramadan, it is better to do it after breaking the fast or at night.

Vitamin C is known to have various benefits for the health of the body. A number of benefits from the intake of vitamin C into the body, including increasing immunity, maintaining dental and bone health, accelerating wound healing, collagen formation, and others.

In vitamin C, there are also antioxidants that function to increase energy in the body. In addition, this content also plays a role in supporting vital functions in the body, one of which is the function of the adrenal glands. This gland works to regulate the stress trigger hormone and fatigue.

Vitamin C also helps absorb iron more optimally. With this role, vitamin C can also protect the body from anemia. This vitamin also has a good effect on skin health, ranging from brightening the skin, preventing aging, and preventing dry skin.

It should also be remembered that receiving a high dose of vitamin C injection regularly can trigger an overdose of vitamin C. According to health experts, the dose of vitamin C injection is recommended by an average of 500 milligrams to 1 gram. Injecting vitamin C with a higher dose of up to 25 grams can be given under certain conditions.

Instead of relying on vitamin C injections, it is recommended for everyone to compensate for vitamin C intake by consuming food or drinks. Choose food and drinks that contain vitamin C. The need for vitamin C for adults is about 75-90 milligrams per day.

Meanwhile, the maximum limit for a dose of vitamin C in one day is 2000 milligrams. If you receive a dose exceeding that amount, you can risk experiencing side effects such as headaches, insomnia, stomach acid reflux, and kidney stones.

Demikianlah review mengenai apakah sunik vitamin membatalkan puasa dan seperti apa hukumnya. Melakukan sunik vitamin C tidak termasuk membatalkan fasting, dengan catatan dilakukan untuk tujuan menjaga stamina tubuh. Namun jika sunik dilakukan untuk memasukan nutrient atau mengganti makanan, maka akan membatalkan fasting. Baca juga apakah keputihan membatalkan fasting.

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