5 Important Skin Care Tips To Remember This Summer
Illustration (Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Summer is getting closer, it is time to prepare for hotter temperatures, increase in sun exposure, and higher humidity levels. All of this must have a bad impact on the skin. Especially when combined with other external factors such as increased pollution and worsening air quality. During the summer it is very important to protect the skin from solar UVA/UVB rays, sweat, and other environmental pollutants.

Here are the five most important skin care tips for skin care during the summer, based on advice from Prachi Bhandari, Co Founder & Head of Research, Aminu Wellness, as reported by the Times of India, Friday, March 15.

Although sunscreens are often associated with vacations on the beach. It turns out that it is important to apply at least SPF30 sunscreens every day, wherever you are. UVA and UVB beams can also penetrate the glass, so even if you feel protected while in the room, it turns out that your skin can still be exposed to light. Don't forget to apply it to your neck and arms, as well as other open body parts. refract every few hours, and more often if you sweat or swim.

Twice a day, in your morning and evening skin care routines, use soft cleaning soap that suits your skin type needs. Cleaners should not peel off the face and leave a dry feeling. But it must feel clean and humid at the same time. Washing your face in the morning will remove accumulating bacteria

all night, as well as removing the rest of last night's products. Washing your face can also help get rid of makeup and remove all the dust collected throughout the day.

With the hot summer and humidity levels fluctuating, the skin can feel dry and itchy one day, then oily the next day. It is important to keep hydration levels consistent, and to use a serum made from water can help overcome this. Remember, there is a difference between dry skin and dehydrated skin. Dry skin is one type of skin, while dehydration skin most requires water. Keeping the skin hydrated helps control oil and sebum production and help strengthen skin protection.

In addition to serums made from water, use a moisturizer that does not make the skin feel oily. Materials such as hyaluronic acid and ceramide are very hydrating as well as light. And it will not burden the skin if it is used with a suitable formula such as gel or water-based moisturizer.

Sweat, sunscreen, pollution, and other makeup products can accumulate on your face during the summer and enter the pores, causing acne to appear. Try using chemical exfoliators regularly - but not every day - to unlock clogged pores and even out skin tones. If you use a new exfoliator, do a patch test before using it on the face to make sure there are no adverse reactions.

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