Alternative Sweet Foods Apart From Dates That Can Be Used As Takjil
Alternative Sweet Foods Apart From Dates (Evie Fjord Image - Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA - Kurma is the takjil menu for breaking the fast which is the most popular around the world. How not, because dates are the fruit that the Prophet likes and are enlivened to eat them. However, is there an alternative to sweet foods other than dates that can be used as a iftar menu?

The answer is of course there is! The reason is, there are so many sweet food menus that you can make takjil. Starting from soupy food to dry food. Of course, this food is also guaranteed to be fresh and can relieve your thirst and also hungry after going through all day fasting.

But there is something you need to underline! When we are breaking the fast, we are indeed advised to eat sweetly but remain within reasonable limits. Do not let you consume too much sweet takjil which can affect your health.

For those of you who start filling out the list of what menu I am for fasting, you need to include some of this food for alternative dishes other than dates. Check out the review below, yes!

1. Ice Cincau Susu

For the first menu, it is not only dates that you can allocate takjil when breaking the fast, namely ice and milk. Sweet and a bit bitter flavor mixed perfectly with milk and fresh ice, it is certainly very tempting.

Ice and milk can be an alternative option if you are bored with drinking or sweet foods that are mainstream, such as kolak or fruit soup. The technique of making it is also very easy, you only need ready-to-use snacks, milk, ice cubes, and mixed brown sugar.

You can make ice milk for takjil menus but don't consume too much because it will make your stomach bloating. Not only that, you will also be lazy to eat heavy or core dishes if so many cold drinks are consumed as opening.

2. Kolak Pisang

The next dish that you can use takjil for other than dates is banana kolak. This sweet meal is very famous during Ramadan because it tastes sweet. This banana Kolak can be served warmly or coldly, both of them are delicious.

The technique of making pisana is also quite easy and you can try it at home if you have a hobby of cooking creations. Banana Kolak itself is made from bananas accompanied by pieces of labu, kollang-keling, and kaah from brown sugar.

Banana collages can also be used as desserts or desserts after you eat heavy. In fact, the banana collax is a washing menu that will never disappoint because of its tantalizing taste and fragrant aroma.

3. Singkong Rebus Fla Cheese Milk

The next service that you can allocate for takjil other than dates is traditional food which is still popular with many people, is boiled cassava. However, this time with a more varied appearance, namely, boiled cassava milk cheese.

Fla milk cheese here as a topping but make the cassava boiled as usual. This meal is suitable for both of you lovers of anti-rebet dry food. Not only that, it also tastes sweet and the texture is soft, so it's easy to eat.

Because the taste of this dish is sweet so, it is recommended that your companion only need water. When you juxtapose it with sweet drinks again, in fact it's not good because too much sweet consumption can increase blood sugar content.

4. Fruit Salad

Next, the food that you can allocate takjil is fruit salads, a nutritious menu with lots of fresh fruit. Fruit salts are also very suitable as takjil for those of you who also take a diet program while fasting.

Eating fruit salads has good benefits for the body, especially when you don't need to add sugar to get a sweet taste from this meal. In fact, fruit salads are a healthy menu that you can choose to make takjil and iftar dishes.

5. Fruit Puding

Next, there is a fruit drink that you can allocate for the takjil mainstay menu other than dates. Certainly drink healthy foods that are rich in fiber suitable for takjil because it tastes sweet too. So that it's not boring, you can combine fruit into your stomach or put it on as decoration.

Engineering to make clothes is also very easy, you only need one sachet of jelly powder, fruit, and milk and then you just need to heat it up and put it in a box, in a few minutes, ready to be used as takjil.

Talking about your dates as Muslims also needs to know the '5 Best Types of Dates in the World'.

So after knowing alternative sweet foods other than dates, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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