7 Egg Processions To Open And Sahur So They Don't Get Bored
Illustration of processed eggs to open and sahur so they don't get bored (Freepik/Azerbaijan_stockers)

YOGYAKARTA Eggs are food ingredients that can be stored longer and prices are more affordable than beef, for example. However, processed eggs to open and sahur, must be varied so as not to get bored. For that, you can check the following variety of processed eggs.

Telong eggs, famous in the Philippines, are called tortang talong. Made from fried green terongs and then dipped in the egg dough. Then fried for a while so that it resembles a crunchy roller egg. You can add an egg filling in addition to the dugong. For example, adding milled meat, vegetables, and even adding tomatoes.

Unlike the processed eggs above, of course you are well acquainted with this menu. This dish is popular in times in Indonesia. The eggs are boiled and then fried with spicy chili sauce has a complex taste. Starting from savory, spicy, a little sour from tomatoes, and sweet.

Balado eggs mixed with red chili rolls, shallots, onions, garlic, tomatoes, Javanese acid, sugar, salt, and orange leaves and lemongrass. This means that in addition to spicy taste, it also smells spice.

Telor hoars are Betawi traditional eggs that are usually served as snacks. Because in the telor crust there is glutinous rice cooked with chicken eggs or ducks. Cooked with roasting, after cooked sprinkled with saspeng, dry shrimp, and fried shallots.

Unlike a ballad that tastes spicy with a red color, the egg cone is blackish with a sweet taste because it has soy sauce levels. To give the aroma of spice, pepper, nutmeg, ketumbar, kemiri, lengkuas, and bayar leaves are usually added.

Egg processing so that it doesn't get bored, can be processed into soup. Such as egg soup which not only contains eggs, but also carrots, sweet corn, and chicken meat. The matter of taste, in addition to taste, is also refreshing, let alone served when breaking the fast.

It is important to note, slightly different between Balinese eggs and eggs. These Balinese spice eggs use base ganep or complete Balinese spices. These include red chilies, shallots and whites, Javanese acid, kemiri, sweet soy sauce, terasi, kencur, ginger, and cinnamon.

Pindang is a black and puscouple dish. This black color is made from keluwak. For pindang eggs, it is widely known and processed by the people of Central Java. The ingredients of the pindang eggs include smoothed keluwak, lemongrass, red and white onions, brushes, orange leaves, greeting leaves, terasi, red chilies are green.

Those are the seven processed egg-based foods so they don't get bored. To break the fast and open, you can process it and follow the recipe according to taste.

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