YOGYAKARTA - Airzam is water that is believed to be holy water that is full of benefits by Muslims. The existence of the water is located in the Haram Mosque area, southeast of Ka'bah. Trust in the benefits of Ezamz water that is different from mineral water in general, as well as its spring which is never dry even though in the dry season it is proof of the power of Allah Swt.

The emergence ofzam's water was based on the story of Prophet Ibrahim who received a mandate from Allah Swt to isolate his wife Siti Hajar and his son Ismail little. In the middle of his journey to Ka' bah, with the hot heat of the sun in the middle of the desert Siti Hajar and Ismail were little tortured and starving, especially since little Ismail cried non-stop. Several dates and water as supplies from Ibrahim have also run out.

Unable to bear to see little Ismail crying, Siti Hajar tried to find water by running from Bukit Safa to Bukit Marwah continuously. It was recorded that Siti Hajar ran 7 times. And this is what after that became the pillars of the current Hajj, namely Sai. After that, with the permission of Allah, Nabi Ismail's small feet stopped to the ground and a refreshing spring appeared for them. And that iszam water that always flows and never drys.

Launching from the West Java website, Waterzam with its good properties for the current body is a mandatory handpiece for pilgrims or Umrah to be distributed as gifts to their families, relatives and neighbors.

As the name implies in Arabic,zamam water means abundant or abundant, so it is not surprising that the water continues to be abundant, ruah never drought. When he wanted to drink Ezamz water, it was disallowed to read prayers, in the hadith narrated by Ibnu Majah and Ahmad from Jabir RA it was mentioned,

Let's talk about it. Let's take care of it, let's take care of it. Let's take care of it, let's take care of it, let's take care of it.

Meaning: "Azamz water is in accordance with what is intended by its platoon." (HR Ibnu Majah)

Therefore, Imam Nawawi in the book Al Adzkar said that the scholars recommended that before drinking it, we ask for forgiveness, health, or express another will to Allah SWT. The interpretationist of Mujahid RA also stated the same thing, if with the permission of Allah SWT, the original will of the warranty could be granted by Allah SWT.

Celebrating Allah in the heart, reading basmallah and praying before drinking, drinking 3 times a drink, and breathing amidst

There is also a prayer to drinkzamam water, there are 2 prayers, first narrated by Sheikh Sulaiman Al-Bujairimi and a prayer history of Ibnu Abbas ra. One of the prayers can be read, or can both of them, Here's the prayer:


You can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't.

"All Allahhumma innah... qad balaghan... an bahyyika annah... qla, u zamzamzamma li m syuriba lah, wa an salah asyrabuh li sa datid udiniy jal khirah. AllAHhumma fafal.

That is, 'O my God, have really reached me the hadiths of your prophet, he said, 'Airzam is useful according to his purpose to drink,' (HR Ahmad, Al-Hakim, and Ad-Daruqutni) and I drink it for happiness in the world and the hereafter. O Allah, my goodness, '(Syekh Sulaiman Al-Bujairimi, Hasyiyatul Bujairimi alal Iqna', [Beirut, Darul Fikr: 2006 M/1426-1427 H], juz II, page 447).


The following is a prayer for drinking Ezamz water from a friend of Ibnu Abbas ra narrated by Imam Ad-Daruqutni:

You can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't.

'ilman nafi' is injured, wa rizqan wasi'an, wa syiflin'an min kulli din.

That is, 'O Allah, I really ask You for useful knowledge, extensive sustenance, and healing from all diseases.'

Please note, Airzam also contains several priorities as explained in the Sabda of the Prophet SAW. He said,

Let's take care of it, let's take care of it, let's take care of it. Let's take care of it.

Meaning: "It's as good as water on earth as possible to be water zam zam. The water can be a filling food and can be a disease medicine." (HR Muslim).

In another history of information, Rasulullah SAW himself once used air zam zam as an bidder of the disease. This hadith has been blessed by Shaikh Al Albani in As Silsilah Ash Shohihah which reads,

Let's talk about it. Let's talk about it, let's talk about it.

Meaning: "Rasulullah salallahu 'alaihi wa sallam once broughtzam-zam water in a bottle or water place. Someone was hit by illness, then he healed withzam-zam water." (HR Al Baihaqy).

Selain itu tahu lebih lanjut Fakta Mengapa Air Zamzam Tidak Pernah Mengring' agar bisa menambah wawasan Anda.

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