YOGYAKARTA Recovery or recovery, it is important to do to overcome extreme fatigue or burnout. Many professional workers also carry out active recovery because they realize rest is important.

In addition to recovery, it is also necessary to realize what we feel regularly. This can help us determine what is needed. When experiencing extreme fatigue or burnout, physical, emotional, and cognitive levels decrease. Without active recovery, supporting can still perform high and become a successful professional. Active recovery, according to author and lecturer Robyne Hanley-Dafoe, Ed.D., here's an active recovery to cope with burnout while working.

Sleep is enough, eating healthy foods, and moving the body is the key to getting optimal performance and staying healthy. Even though it plays an important role in health, living this routine may often be neglected.

Start and end the days with the effective routine you like and consider useful. Deliberately take care of yourself, meaning it is also open to job demands. This helps prepare the mind, body, and determine the atmosphere on that day. At the end of the day, choose a way to relax and get ready to rest.

Realistic identification of your three top priorities that you can achieve that day. Use your limits to ensure what you can achieve. Don't exceed capacity. Avoid underestimating the time because it can delay tasks and accumulate at the end of the day.

Stand up and move, drink water, or reflect on the three new things you are grateful for, it could be your rest activities. Other activities, such as listening to songs or doing refreshing things, can help increase your focus and productivity.

Breath is a built-in mechanism that can be used to regulate the nervous system to stay stable and ready to face whatever happens, according to Psychology Today, Tuesday, February 20. Try your deep breath, like blowing out a birthday candle.

Spending time outdoors can lower blood pressure and heart rate, reduce stress, and increase mood, focus, and problem solving. When you don't have time to leave the house, try to look outside and take a break for a few minutes.

Keep quiet for a while can be used to reflect and maintain the day on the track. Try to clarify what you need and take a break to recover your energy.

When you feel connected to colleagues, work can be sustainable and fun. Get to know your colleagues and build social capital in your team. Know who makes you feel heard and understood. Try to be honest with yourself and others when asked 'how are you?'.

Many high-performance professionals are easily committed and have excessive schedules. Whether out of joy, feeling guilty, or afraid to disappoint others. Due to excessive schedule, excessive needs and desires are put aside. So it is important to set healthy boundaries to protect your peace and focus on important things.

Looking for support is not a weakness, precisely because you are strong. Because there are people who want to help, then you don't have to carry the burden of the world alone.

If you realize that you are experiencing burnout, you can perform an active recovery above. The researchers recommend starting with enough rest to encourage active recovery. You can also take the rest time you need, to prioritize yourself first before working again.

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