Election Coinciding With Valentine, Anang Hermansyah: Coming To The TPS Is A Form Of Love
Anang, Ashanty, And Azriel Hermansyah/PHOTO: Virgilery-VOI

JAKARTA - Anang Hermansyah together with Ashanty and Azriel Hermansyah attended TPS 087 in the Cinere area, Depok, West Java.

Anang and Ashanty left for the TPS which could be accessed on foot at 09.51 WIB. When they arrived there, Anang and Ashanty were seen greeting neighbors who met at the same polling station.

This 2024 election coincides with Valentine's Day or commonly known as Valentine's Day. Therefore, Anang hopes that voters can attend the polling station full of love.

According to him, one form to show love for the state is to come to the TPS and exercise the right to vote.

"On election day, that's why on Valentine's Day, give love to your family no matter what kind of love it is, today coming to polling stations is a form of love for the country," said Anang Hermansyah, Wednesday, February 14.

"Love for the country's struggle so it is an extraordinary form and the election on the 14th is the right thing to choose. That's why the definition of love," he continued.

In the 2024 election, Anang again ran as a legislative candidate in the Bogor City area. Anang said he was optimistic that he would be re-elected.

"I must continue to be optimistic, that my struggle is close to the people, I must be optimistic," he concluded.

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